How many times have you heard someone say, “s.ocial media is social”?   When you hear that, what do you wonder what it really means, or how you actually get social on social media?  That was the topic of my conversation with Deirdre Tshien co-founder and CEO of Capsho, the world’s first AI-powered Podcast Copywriter.

Dierdre’s explained a good strategy is based on more than just posting  content.  It is built on conversations and interactions with your audience.  To do this effectively, you need four types of social media posts.

Awareness Post: Start with a question or statement to open a conversation and gauge interest.
Elaboration Post: Dive deeper into the topic you’ve introduced, providing more value and demonstrating your expertise. Mixing interactive and informative content keeps your audience interested and establishes you as authority. 
Community Post: You don’t have to have all the answers. Sometimes the best thing to do is share content from someone else.  Also, build community by letting your audience see the real you. Share information about your life and business and highlight the actions of your network (clients, partners, etc.) .
Action Post: Wrap up with a call to action, inviting your audience to take the next step, like subscribing to your podcast or joining a webinar. Afterall that is why you are posting on social media, right?