I don't know about you,  but I spend way too much time creating content. I'm always looking for a faster way to get it done so I can get back to the part of my business that actually generates revenue.  If you're struggling with those same issues this conversation with Aaron Witnish is just for you.

Aaron introduces a three-step process for generating thirty days of content in just ninety minutes. To start the process, do a bit of research.  Use Google’s "People Also Ask" feature to identify questions real people are asking about your product  or service every day. 

Once you have the questions record the answers.  You can gather a wealth of material in a short video that can be repurposed into  clips for social media or longer written posts.  Using AI Tools like Opus Clip you can easily cut long videos into short clips, saving time and effort in the editing process. Using Chat GPT to summarize the transcript  creates content that is still authentic because it started with your words, not a generic search 

Aaron also shared some of his favorite production tips and suggestions for collaborating with podcast hosts.  

About Aaron 

Aaron Witnish is the Co-Founder of contentonly.au which specializes in an extraction system that creates 30 Days Of Content In 90 minutes a month.