New York’s Roosevelt Island was imagined as an idyllic, multi-racial, multi-income community, developed as part of the social housing movement in the 60s and 70s. But by the 1980s, socially-minded investments in housing were overtaken by neoliberal policy. We talk to current-day and displaced residents to see how this change affected them, while looking back from the point of divergence to find the decisions that created and dismantled housing as a human right. 

Reporters: Jameela Hammond @JameelaHammond, Melissa Fundira @MFundiraInterviewees:Ted Liebman, FAIA; Twitter: @liebman_tYonah Freemark, Ph.D.; Twitter: @yfreemarkRosemary Ndubuizu, Ph.D. Affiliate Twitter: @GU_AFAMKim Phillips-Fein, Ph.D.; Affiliate Twitter:  @CUHistoryDeptMarion Ntiru @marionntiruResidents past and presentSasha Ross *Note: residentLionel Fundira *Note: residentCourtney Francis *Note: previous residentBarbara Spiegel *Note: residentRita Ombele *Note:previous residentNikki Leopold *Note: residentMarie Orraca *Note: residentEneaqua Lewis *Note: residentLudi Nsimba *Note: residentMorgan Elinson *Note: former residentJudith Berdy *Note: residentAndrew Kerr *Note: former resident