Monster Porn presents a super sexy vampire story special. In "The House on Sumner" by Bret Norwood, a house flipper's work on a victorian home is interrupted by the reappearance of the previous home owner. Who is dead. And also thirsty. In "Eateth of My Flesh" by Matt Cummins, a mysterious guest evangelist is invited to the Christian revival tent...and the communion gets a little weird.

If you love a good vampire story, also go back and check out episode MP027 - "Naranca: A Slavic Vampire Myth" after the show, and keep an eye on our friend Octoberpod (on Youtube) for his Dracula-related special, coming out this Halloween season, which features an original vampire story by our own Bret Norwood.

Matt fell ill during the production of this episode (probably when Bret gave birth, lol), so Bret fills in on the performance of "Eateth of My Flesh."

If you enjoyed our vampire story special, be sure to subscribe and review on Apple Podcasts! Your support feeds the beast. Stay tuned for more horror, weird fiction, and bizarro from Monster Porn.

Godspeed, monsterbators!