Today is a replay of the most popular and most listened to episode of the past 104 episodes of the Money Peach Podcast.

My guest is John Gaston from Episode 38 back in April 2017. John is a close friend of mine, an extremely successful entrepreneur, and was able to retire at age 34.

John is also my one-on-one mentor when it comes to my building own business and over the past few years John has shared a lot with me and I've begged him to come on the podcast to share his incredible story.

John is very humble and also very private, so for him to come on this podcast took a lot of arm-twisting on my part. Some of the things John will share with us are:

How he got started and his passion for business Leaving the comfort of a steady paycheck The ups and downs of being an entrepreneur Overcoming extreme adversity Balancing the business and family life Managing a partnership (with his best friend)


My Favorite Quotes from this Episode


“The most successful people in the world read 15 mins every single day”

“...I remember hearing if I read 15 minutes every single day, I could all but guarantee I would double my income in one year, and then I did”

“Every decision you make in your business could be the decision that takes you closer to your goal, or could be the decision that puts you on the streets”

“Everyone works for 40 years (age 20 to age 60). The idea of being successful is cramming 40 years of work into 20...and if you’re really extra bright, 15 years…”

“The idea was to do all the things most people weren’t willing to do today so I didn’t have to do them later”

“...never quit. You’re going to have good days and you’re going to have bad days. If you don’t quit, you’re going to eventually find success”

“Water boils at 212°F - think about how many entrepreneurs probably quit at 211°F . They were so close and yet never made it - never quit”

“If you can get 1% better everyday….over a period of 12 months you are 365% better, and that is a substantial improvement.”


All the show notes, links and anything John and I mentioned can be found at