Learn how to network with celebrities, the secrets of gaining their trust, and how to interview them for your podcast.

In this episode we discuss:

Freddie’s entrepreneurial journey and what interested him in starting a podcast
Freddie’s discovery of the Smart Passive Income Podcast and how he binged and listened to every episode
Why Freddie decided to launch a podcast
Freddie’s advice for planning a podcast
How to keep your podcast organized with Google Docs
Using a template of questions to save time on the preparation for the interview
Why you need a listener avatar for your show
How to interview someone like a celebrity
The secret to getting amazing big name celebrities on your podcast
How Freddie networked with Pat Flynn, Andrew Warren, and other big name entrepreneurs which led to podcast interviews
Why networking is the #1 tip for success
Common mistakes people make when launching a podcast

Resources mentioned in this episode:

Smart Passive Income
Internet Business Mastery
Google Docs
Fiverr.com for podcast cover design