Hear Daniel J. Lewis share why he started a podcast and later a podcast network (the Noodle.mx) in today's episode. Also shared are the things you should consider before joining or starting a podcast network. Finally, learn how you can get the benefits of a podcast network, without joining one.

In this episode we discuss:

Why Daniel Started a Podcast Network
When & Why Daniel Launched the Ramen Noodle
How Daniel Used Audacity to edit his podcast and why he decided to switch to Adobe Audition last year
Why Daniel Used Audacity in the beginning (hint: it's free and very powerful)
How Daniel Started a Podcast Network
The problem that prompted Daniel to create a solution: the Audacity to Podcast
The launch of the Noodle.mx Network
How new shows are launched on the Noodle.mx Network
The differences between "Podcast Networks"
Things you should consider before joining or starting a podcast network
How to receive the benefits of a podcast network without joining one

Word of Advice

When joining or creating a podcast network consider:

Who owns the content?
Who receives revenue?
How are sponsorships handled?
Who maintains the network?
What services are provided by the network?
Who pays/maintains web hosting & media hosting?
What are the branding requirements?
What happens if a podcaster wants to leave the network?
What happens if a podcaster wants to start an additional podcast on the network or a different network?
Do you have a contract written and setup?

Resources mentioned during the episode:

The Sci Phi Show
The Audacity to Podcast
The Noodle.mx Network

Connect with Daniel:

The Noodle.mx website
Follow Daniel J. Lewis on Twitter

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