Today is all about how we can take our own personal pains in life and turn them into our purpose for business. FYI, that’s exactly how a lot of business owners get into entrepreneurship; they had some pain or issue that they wanted fixed, and that propelled them into also fixing that pain for someone else.

 For this episode, Coach George Wang interviews Marsha Vanwynsberghe. She’s a best-selling author of When She Stopped Asking Why, where she shares her lessons of being a parent who dealt with teen substance abuse beyond the level of normal experimentation. 

Now, as a result of that experience, she teaches the power of radical responsibility and owning your choices in your own life. Her clients, primarily women, feel empowered to pull the lessons out of their stories and become conscious leaders who build platform businesses that impact, serve, and support others.

 What was the turning point for Marsha? 
 What freedom does she feel now after walking her own difficult path? 
 And how does she assist business owners in turning around stories of victimhood so they can increase their self-worth and confidently share their gifts with others? 

Find out all of this and more during our incredibly insightful discussion. Listen Now!

Show Notes: