It’s here! I’m really doing this! Money Checkup is live!


If you can’t tell, I am very excited about launching this podcast. For over a year I have wanted to launch a podcast to help educate a wider audience around all the nuances and technical knowledge around money. In the first episode I wanted to put it on the table around the WHY: WHY I launched this podcast; WHY I’m passionate about educating others around money; WHY I got to where I am today in my finance expertise.

I’ll fill you in on just a few of the topics you can expect to hear about each time you tune in and I hope you join me to gain a better understanding on what checkups you need to do with your money. If you have questions, I want to hear them so we can address the concerns you have around your money. Enjoy!

What We Will Cover

Why Anjali started a podcast Guests you can expect and Anjali’s goal for you from the Money Checkup podcast Anjali’s journey and how she ended up in the finance industry The target audience Anjali enjoys working with Some of the topics Anjali has seen in her practice How the emotional side of money can have a huge impact on how people approach their money discussions How often you’ll be able to tune into Money Checkup Anjali wants to hear from you! What questions do you have around money?

Getting Connected With Anjali


Click here if you want to read the transcript instead!

What To Expect From Money Checkup Transcript