Today, Phil is joined by Cannon Executive Vice President and Director of R&D, Bill Trigleth. The two share their unique perspectives on the integration of new technology, joint projects with upper management, and coping with an open workspace environment.


In this episode of First Friday Feedback we encourage you to think about technology from a new perspective; instead of simply accepting it, understand its significance in your business processes. We also advise you to thoroughly analyze upper management’s reasoning behind seemingly inefficient decision making. Finally, we suggest some creative ways to adjust to an open workspace environment.



Please send comments, questions, and feedback to: [email protected]

Please send First Friday Feedback submissions to: [email protected]



Lori Hardwick, Cannon Curve Interview:
Part 1:
Part 2:

Portfolio Project Management Process:

Simon Sinek, Start With Why:

Shari Parsons Miller, “Advantages and Disadvantages to Open Workspace”:

Harvard Business Review Articles

Christine Congdon, Donna Flynn, and Melanie Redman, "Balancing ‘We’ and ‘Me’: The Best Collaborative Spaces Also Support Solitude": Andrew Laing, David Craig, and Alex White, "Vision Statement: High-Performance Office Space":