As Bill Murray so aptly described in the famous movie Scrooge, the holiday season is a time we “act a little nicer, we smile a little easier and we cheer a little more.” Some people do this naturally and constantly while others struggle with the words.


This Monday morning, we challenge you to do two simple yet impactful tasks that will put you in the holiday spirit. First, we encourage you to include some random acts of kindness in your holiday season. Whether you bring items to your local homeless shelter or pay for someone’s pumpkin spice latte, a kind gesture to a stranger will brighten both your and the recipient’s day. We also challenge you to write thoughtful letters to those individuals that mean something to you. Not just a quick note attached to a gift bag, but a heartfelt letter recounting shared experiences and explaining why that person means so much to you. To truly experience the holiday spirit, we must actively be a force for good and continue to demonstrate kindness to those we care for as well as the strangers we encounter.



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Please send First Friday Feedback submissions to: [email protected]