Hey Brooke.
Hey, how are you?
I'm so good. I think we're live.
I never know what this thing.
Y'all gotta know something Little Miss Mona
Since we're in our community. I can talk to you straight away
Little Miss Mona is learning all kinds of new things
Now Facebook has got a new way for us to film live and I've been trying to figure that out.
But right now I'm using this thing called Zoom, which is amazing.
You may have heard a lot about it in the last little bit.
But I've been using it for four or five years and they've changed some of their settings.
So we're just trying to get it all down straight
because we are starting something new
and it is a big deal
because it is going to help you in the places where you need it most!
This is Brooke Sailor and I'm Mona Corwin
and we are starting the Moms Like Us Do Things Like This
and we have a new series called Parenting In Crisis.
I bet you can relate because this is a crisis that were in
but we're moms and we're mom's just like this
and we do things the right way and we figure things out.
So Brooke and I are going to start we're going to do one tip a day Monday through Friday
and they're going to be about 10 15 minutes tops.
This one might be a little longer because we've got explain things to you.
But I think that you will be encouraged and this is what our Mom Community is all about.
So I'm going to introduce Brooke
and she's going to tell you about her and you already know about me.
So Brooke.
Thank you for joining me on Moms Like Us Do Things Like This our broadcast.
We're doing it together.
I love it. I love it. I love it.
Go ahead.
Yes, I'm Brooke. I've known Mona very long time very happy to be here with you guys.
And I don't know if you're feeling what I'm feeling but our country is in crisis and it feels different than ever before
just to wake up and be a mom,
you know, just doing normal mom things
turn on the news
have breakfast and it's like wow, this is really happening. Right?
So I think we're going to get through this together
and I don't want to downplay all the really difficult things.
But as Mona mentioned
I think there's going to be really wonderful things that we might do differently than a normal day
because it's not a normal time.
It's not normal
We're all homeschooling
and juggling more than we have before
and I think
I think for me just I have this sense of my kids are gonna look back and this is going to be in the history books
and every day that we're walking through
no matter how long it takes with this virus
to get through it as a nation.
They're going to look back and have memories
and I've asked my kids.
What? What do you want to remember from this time?
This is what's happening in the world, and we're at home, together. So what should we remember?
You know, anyway.
That's perfect
And Brooke has four children
Married 20 years?
You're close you’re really close.
I’ve been married over 40 years
That just seems like hardly anything. Ah, you’re just getting started
I know
We have our husbands at home too.
After we do Parenting In Crisis we might have to do some stuff on marriage
just because everybody's home with their husbands too
and my excitement for this time is that it's interesting to me
that the world has been kind of shut down
and all the busyness and all of the idol worship of culture
and education and sports and all of that is kinda been taken down
and what are we left with
we are left with our homes.
we're left with our kids and our man
we are left with family
and we're left with the beautiful outside
today in Dallas. it's gorgeous.
We even if it's gloomy where you're at and it's raining you're left with cozy
and we're left in our homes to cook and eat and be together and you know what?
I think this is one of the things that's good that's going to come out of it.
So although it's hard.
I want you to know that Brooke and I are going to be here for you
to help you make this a time where you can look back
and say
That was the moment that I knew that I could be a mom.
That was the moment. When I knew that whatever came my family's way
me and my man and my kids we would get it done and that includes homeschooling.
So Brooke is homeschooling too
so we are going to help you all through this
all that to say
I'm super excited about what's going to happen in your family little Mumma
it is going to change things
Now Tuesday night and on Thursday night.
I have two other women that are going to meet
and they're going to be praying and we're going to pray every Tuesday night at 8 p.m.
And Thursday night.
So we're going to pray over you.
We're going to give you tips and tools
and Brooke and I are going to help you because Moms Like Us really Do Things Like This.
Okay Brooke tell me
let's tell them what is our tip for today.
Our tip for today, a very simple you can totally do this.
This is not something far out
and when I say it you’re gonna to be like, yep, I know exactly what to do.
So I'm sure you're already doing these things already.
Okay, the American Psychological Association says when children walk through a time of Crisis,
they have two very basic needs and those two needs are for affection and affirmation.
And so I'm asking you today to think about ways that you can increase your output of affection
and I have a little list and I'm going to post for you a little graphic in the comments when we get done.
so that you can screenshot it, save it, remind yourself of it from here on out
Affection, I think that looks like cuddles in the morning if you need
to lay low in the morning or before bedtime have cuddle time
give hugs, high fives if you have big kids
just sit on the couch, but sit real close like kind of touch or your arm around
or little pats as you walk by in the kitchen increase your physical affection towards your kids at this time.
It helps them feel secure and safe
when there's all this craziness happening in the world
You are safe.
They're safe with you. They're safe at home with increased physical affection.
So the second one
Words of Affirmation
increase your output of words of affirmation your children need to be heard.
They need to know that you can hear what they're going through.
If you need a time of listening I think dinner times a great time to say what's going on
or pick one person and say,
you know, my oldest daughter Sophia
Sophia, why don't we pick you tonight. We go around and say something we love about you.
Love you. So proud of you, you're doing great.
Or we’re struggling through a math problem.
Let's take a breather. But you're gonna get it. We're going to get through it.
You're positive words of affirmation are going to set major tone for how your kids feel during this time.
And so we are going to heed those two pieces of advice today and throughout the week.
So your tip for day number one is increase physical affection and words of affirmation.
That's really great.
And I'd like for you in the community to take a picture of you and your kids
actually sitting on the sofa or actually doing something together and post it right down.
I'll do a separate I'll do a separate post and you can post that right on there.
Another thing I want to be able to offer today along with that tip
is that there are
they're going to be asking questions.
So I'm going to post a short list.
Of words that are assuring
and this also came from a psychologist at the I forget what institute some Institute
but it is going to give you like four or five phrases to be able to say that are going to calm them
when they hear all the freak out stuff or you accidentally freak out in front of them.
Like I did recently
I didn't realize that the things that I said or the way I was reacting that someone else was watching it.
So as we're going through this try to make everything as normal as possible
and take our tips today of showing affection and admiration to your kids.
That was really a good explanation Brooke.
Is there anything else you want to tell the girls?
Because we don't want to keep them too long today.
Honestly ladies my heart for myself in this time.
Is that like Mona said when everything is stripped away, you know,
and there's disappointment
things are canceled that we were genuinely excited about
we love being at dance three nights a week, but it does make life hectic.
So when all that’s stripped away
what we have left is what is most important
and so when I think about how I relate to my kids
if I was only showing affection and words of affirmation
I think all that other stuff could really be stripped away in a lot of ways.
So we're going to try to keep the main things the main thing
and we don't need it to be overwhelming or big.
Just do the main things.
That is absolutely perfect.
Okay, that's it, Moms Like Us remember we Do Things Like This
We do affirmation and we do words of encouragement and we do words of reassurance.
Okay, those will be in the link below in just a few seconds
little Mumma you can do this and we're here for you in this process.
DM us if you have questions that you'd like for us to address
and also any struggles that you have
and we're going to get through this together.
All right, that's it. Thanks Brooke. I'll see you tomorrow.
Okay. See you then.