Great news, I will be featured in TEFOS - The Executive Functioning Online Summit- with over 30 experts in parenting, ADHD, Autism and more. I will share 3 things to KNOW and 3 things to DO when you child is having a behavior challenge. Register now to join us for free Aug 5-7, 2022. Also available anytime at best price now.

What is TEFOS?

Parents often say, "I just want my child to be happy and successful," but knowing how to help a neurodivergent child who is struggling can be baffling, especially if they resist help. I created TEFOS, The Executive Function Online Summit, for compassionate & proactive parents of children who struggle with the Executive Function Skills needed for school and life success. Three days to learn and be immersed in all things that will help you help your child to be their best for back to school just a few weeks away!

This week's guest is Nisha Melvani, MS RD, cook book author and Blogger at Cooking for Peanuts who shares her delightful tips and recipes to bring out the flavor in vegetables. Show your kids the world of flavors that is out there without boarding a plane on this journey.

Ethnically Indian and culturally Jamaican, raised by a "spam-loving" mother, Nisha came to love and appreciate all the benefits of fresh foods cooked with flavor that even your little "peanut" will love. We talk about making food look beautiful (because we eat first with our eyes!), mindful cooking and eating, jazzed up lentils chili, cornbread mug cake, teriyaki pulled jack fruit and more.  

For more-

Practically Vegan cookbook

Host Ekua Walker, Peds NP, parent coach and C.E.O. - Chief Encouragement Officer

Host of

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Production Partner: Koby Blankson

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