Today's interview is with the newest mom I have talked to on Moms Changing the World. As an Obstetric and Gynocology MD, our guest has been changing the world for mothers years before she had her own daughter. We talk about a simple way to nurture early interests you see in your kids, some interesting turns the road to motherhood can take, what the pandemic is doing to birthrates and how to fit in self care when you have a newborn AND a fulltime job during the pandemic.

Dr. Naima Bridges is Board Certified in Obstetrics and Gynocology and serves as Assistant Chief for a CA Health Maintenance Organization (HMO). Her training at UCSF, UC Davis and University of Illinois, Chicago prepared her well to support women's health wherever she goes. She also has a Masters of Public in Global Health from Harvard. She has used her fluent French to volunteer in countries incuding Cameroon, Haiti, and Sierra Leon and conducted women's health research in Tanzania.

Also, Ekua was a speaker at a free virtual summit for parents with ADHD and/or children with ADHD happening right now. If you’re parenting a child with ADHD, life can feel frustrating, overwhelming, and lonely. 

There is so much to consider→ How to stop having to repeat yourself, solve sibling squabbles, or improve friendships. What about nutrition, sleep or medication? What to do about therapy, primitive reflexes, or alternative treatment options? How to help your child who has given up or struggles in school. 

And where, in all of this, do you get a moment for yourself?  

If you want to know how to have a calm, confident, connected family, then I invite you to JOIN ME in the upcoming Calming the ADHD Chaos. Learn more about her BE CALM system for bringing CALM and joy back to your parenting. Register today so you will not miss out on all the great tools and free resources provided by Lara Dawn and the 25 ADHD experts she interviews. Reserve your seat to get FREE access (if you catch it in real time) to resources and strategies that are working right now for families like yours. 

To reach our guest: email [email protected]

Facebook - Moms Changing The World Podcast

Instagram - BeCalm_Parenting

Host: Ekua Walker, Child Development NP, Parent Coach and CEO - Chief Encouragement Officer

Producer: Koby Blankson

Podcast Art: Esther and Joel Ishler