According to Gramps Jeffrey, one of the important treasures in life is moral values.

Gramps Jeffrey’s children's book "I Don't Want to Turn 3" serves its purpose of character-building and grooming the personality of your kids by teaching them great moral lessons. It takes readers on a journey into Jordan's world. Jordan's two years old and scared because his parents expect more of him when he turns three tomorrow, and Jordan discovers what happens when you take, when you share, and when you give back.

Gramps Jeffrey wrote this book for grandparents who want to be more involved in influencing how this latest generation grows up.

Gramps Jeffrey has 4 kids and 6 grandchildren and looks at how the kids are growing up as a baby boomer trying to understand how the world has evolved since he was 3 years old.

As the author of the acclaimed business book "The Secrets of Retailing...How to Beat Walmart" and a contributor to The Huffington Post of over 100 articles on how to help the nonprofit world and also help grow small businesses, Gramps' commentary is quite timely in the challenging world we live in.

More about the Host - Dr. Karin Jakubowski is an Elementary Public School Principal, Certified Master Life Coach and Speaker. She is passionate about helping moms first take care of themselves to be their best for their kids. She helps moms with a problem solving process when their child is experiencing challenging behaviors. She practices mindfulness personally and at school teaching students breathing and awareness techniques to help them manage their own stress to be happy and healthy!

Check out her NEW Course - Happy Kids, Not Perfect Kids (Click Here)

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