September is National Suicide Prevention Month and what would you do if you found out your child searched online, “How to kill myself”. Every parent MUST hear this interview.

According to Baylor college of medicine, an article last November stated, “The pandemic uniquely impacted adolescents. Social isolation, constant uncertainty, stress, and fear have plagued their lives. According to the CDC, teenage emergency room visits for suicide attempts increased significantly during the pandemic, with a 50% rise in cases in females and almost 4% increase in males.”

In this episode you will learn:

Be attentive to where your child is spending their time.
Be a good role model. Take care of your own mental health. Your child(ren) is learning from watching how you take care of yourself.
Questions to ask your child to gauge their mental health state
Being vulnerable is powerful
Children need a stable relationship with an adult

More about the Host - Dr. Karin Jakubowski is an elementary public school principal and master certified life coach. She is passionate about helping moms first take care of themselves to be their best for their kids. She helps moms with a problem solving process when their child is experiencing challenging behaviors. She practices mindfulness personally and at school teaching students breathing and awareness techniques to help them manage their own stress to be happy and healthy!

Check out her NEW Course - Happy Kids, Not Perfect Kids (Click Here)

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