At our Annual Mental Health Summit, Dr. Gominak shared with us how anxiety, depression, the world epidemic of sleep disorders AND MORE are due to a lack of Vitamins D and B.

Imagine a world filled with people pain-free. Mental illness, anxiety, depression and psychosis is a thing of the past. Medical illness is reduced and medication use is minimized. Dr. Gominak believes this saying is a reality, “See your doctor once a year, heal your body every night.” 

Dr. Gominak also says that autism is linked to insufficient deep sleep and that the global struggle with worsening sleep is linked to reduced sun exposure, says Dr. Gominak.

Given back enough time in deep sleep and the necessary raw materials (D and B vitamins) the brain can make up for the deep sleep that it missed and develop normal social skills even into the teens and early 20’s.

Not a morning person? Dr. Gominak says that’s due to your body not getting the correct sleep at night.

Follow Dr. Gominak at


More about the Host - Dr. Karin Jakubowski is a Public School Principal, Certified Master Life Coach and Speaker. She is passionate about helping moms first take care of themselves to be their best for their kids. She helps moms with a problem solving process when their child is experiencing challenging behaviors.

Check out her NEW Course - Happy Kids, Not Perfect Kids (Click Here)

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