Maya co-authored a book on mindfulness for teens with Dr. Ellen Langer, (Mother of Mindfulness) Harvard Professor of Psychology. “Mindfulness for Middle Schoolers” 

Maya Maymin lives in New York and has written and published three books and given two lectures on mindfulness, one at a Wolfram Language Summer Camp and another on Harvard Zoom for middle schoolers. She has been working with Dr. Ellen Langer (the Mother of Mindfulness, Psychology Professor at Harvard) for about a year and a half and they wrote a book together on mindfulness for middle schoolers.

You will learn in this episode:

What is mindfulness?
How Maya got into mindfulness?
The purpose of her book, “Mindfulness for Middle Schoolers” 
What counterforward is
The difference between mindful memorization and mindless memorization
Examples and exercises to practice mindfulness

“To stop being mindless, start noticing new things. Mindfulness as we study it, is the simple process of actively noticing new things. When you are noticing new things, that puts you in the present, makes you more aware of context, and that active noticing is the essence of engagement. When people are actively noticing, they become more energized. When you are actively noticing and being mindful, people find you more attractive, see you as charismatic, see you as trustworthy.” - Dr. Ellen Langer

More about the Host - Dr. Karin Jakubowski is an elementary public school principal and certified life coach. She is passionate about helping moms first take care of themselves to be their best for their kids. She helps moms with a problem solving process when their child is experiencing challenging behaviors. She practices mindfulness personally and at school teaching students breathing and awareness techniques to help them manage their own stress to be happy and healthy!

Check out her NEW Course - Happy Kids, Not Perfect Kids (Click Here)

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