Today I want to talk about the B word: BALANCE!

I don’t believe in the word balance, and I haven’t for years. As an entrepreneur and a passionate person, there is no such thing as and no room for balance!

But I DO want to feel fulfilled and experience joy – and to do all of that, sometimes you have to put the pressure on and make a plan! To help myself feel content and abundant every day, I make sure to honor the non-negotiables in my life.


What are YOUR non-negotiables?

Mommy Millionaire is all about lifting each other up, so I want to highlight some awesome mommies who take action to create their own list of non-negotiables.

If you share your non-negotiables with me on Instagram, we’d love to share them with the rest of the Mommy Millionaire community! You can find me on IG @cayla.craft.


You Will Hear About:

Physical movement Nutrition Visualization Prayer Taking time to be creative Reading & applied knowledge Pouring encouragement into others Prospecting Identifying YOUR core values & non-negotiables



Connect with Cayla: Facebook | Instagram

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