About the Author: When God knit me together in my mother’s womb, I believe He added a little extra tenacity and a whole lot of resilience. He knew I’d need it to fight and overcome the battles my life would face. Since I was a little girl there has been an attack on my voice. As a small child I practiced screaming to prepare for the next time I would face my abuser, but when the time came, I couldn’t open my mouth. As I grew, life beat the desire to speak up right out of me. I believed I was damaged goods waiting to be discarded by the next person that came along. The pain of the past marked me. Even when I believe I had something to say, I usually kept quiet for fear it would lead to more pain. Rejection, abandonment, loss of love…

In my mid-twenties God set me up to meet a series of women, I call checkpoint people, who over the course of a decade would each teach me a different facet of God’s character. One would share God the Son, Jesus Christ. Another would reveal God the Spirit and my identity in Christ. Lastly one of my beautiful mentors would show me the love of God the Father that would ultimately lead me to trust God and accept my position as a daughter of the King.

Through the years of learning who I was created to be, I discovered the courage to find freedom from a life of abuse. My hearts cry was to be whole, healed, and healthy which led me to ferociously go after the healing my mind and heart so desperately needed. I was determined to be free from the pain of the past. In doing so I’ve discovered a new way to live. I’ve found peace that is not of this world (John 14:27).

It is now my mission to speak up and comfort others with the same comfort I was comforted with. To encourage women to uncover the lies of the enemy and discover who they were created to be. To walk as daughters who are healed and healthy inside-out. I’m here to tell you sister, if He did it for me, He will do it for you and not only is He able, but He wants to.

I now get to do life with my best friend, and the love of my life, James. I am also a mother to three incredible world changers who keep me on my toes and constantly striving to be better. I am a Certified Mental Health Coach through the American Association of Christian Counselors and run a YouTube channel aimed at encouraging women to be the healthiest versions of themselves, inside and out. I promised God if He gave me His words, I would give Him my voice. Here I am Lord, send me…

I have been in ministry for ten years, advocating for women to discover the truth of who they are in Christ. I am a certified mental health coach and desire to help others overcome the pain of the past and live with peace and freedom.

About her Book: Imagine believing you were sentenced to a life of isolation, fear, rejection, pain, and loneliness. That there was nothing beyond the darkness of the prison you'd been thrown into. This was how Kathryn lived most of her life. Held captive by the lie that what was done to her defined who she was, until she heard the voice of God calling her out. This is one woman's story of escaping a life of abuse, breaking free from the lies that bound her, punching fear in the face, and discovering her true identity. Through her memoir, Kathryn reminds us that no matter how painful our journey is, God desires us to live in freedom. We have the opportunity to live fully aware of our identity in Christ. Kathryn shares personal revelations and biblical principles that led her to the truth of who she was made to be. Truth...that is the same for you.

Purchase on at Mental Health Coach - Kathryn May (kathrynrosemay.com)

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