Previous Episode: 30: Your Belly (Genes)
Next Episode: 32: Goodbye Season 1

The Mom Bod Series

How many of you Mom’s are self-conscious of your stomach? Society loves to sell us the appeal of a flat stomach from a very young age, which makes belly acceptance a piece of body acceptance. Not only do our bellies soften as we age but our skin loses flexibility and, if we became Moms via pregnancy, our stomach has gone through some crazy changes!

In this week’s episode we are going to discuss your belly from the outside, in - what you can see in your jeans and, if those jeans fit differently, how you can practice self-care and body acceptance. We cover four common concerns that people have with the external appearance of their changed belly and the science behind those visual changes:

the “mom pooch” the impact of the Diastasis Recti the reasons behind our skin’s changed appearance we debunk the myth that you “should get your pre baby belly back!”

We also interview Jasmin Steiner, self love advocate and personal trainer, on how she has learned to accept her changed belly by decreasing the value she put on her body’s appearance. She shares how she had to release her subconscious belief of her body being her contribution to society by realizing that she was “more than her body.”

Our takeaway question is: If genetics hasn’t given you a flat stomach, then I want you to consider WHY you value that, where that message comes from, and what you are giving up in exchange for living in dissatisfaction with your belly.

Jasmin Steiner



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