As moms, we always want the best for our children, even after a separation. Co-parenting helps your child to feel she still has her parents’ love regardless of what might be going on between the adults. However, it can be a challenge to navigate when there is a hi-conflict divorce. And our featured guest, Nicole Luposhansky, sheds light, advice and insight into how to navigate such situations so that women can feel empowered throughout their journey.

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Nicole Lupushansky


Nicole Lupushansky, Divorce & Co-parenting Relationship Coach, supports moms to reduce the psychological and emotional effects of parental separation, even when the other parent does not participate. Nicole also partners with Villyge as a contributing author and coach supporting corporate executives. In her spare time, Nicole likes to travel, mostly by sea, is a wannabe professional singer and her favorite hobby is snuggling with her daughters.



IG         @nicolelupushansky





Custody Battle Tips: A Parent's Guide to Reduce the Overwhelm

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