It's so easy to put the needs of our Kids before our Marriage, isn't it? Have you forgotten about your Marriage altogether?  Taken it for granted?  Listen to why I think you need to make it THE most important thing in your life!

In this Episode I discuss: 

how my Marriage has had some more recent tough times
my realization that I needed to stop taking putting my Marriage aside for our Kids and re-Connecting back with my husband
my commitment back to Date Nights and putting the work in to make my Marriage succcessful and happy
my hope that you will follow my lead to do what's best for you, your honey, AND for you kids! 


Wake up Warrior Podcast (warning: F-bombs, raw and real conversations about Marrriage, Business, Sex and creating an Amazing Life!)

The Lie and Truth About Marriage, Momastery blog post by Glennon Doyle Melton

Related Mom at 41 Episodes

Episode 13: How Does Marriage Change With Kids? 

Episode 60: Top 5 Reasons to Never Give Up

Momma Action Step

Give yourself permission to schedule weekly Date Nights. 

Your kids will be better and benefit from it, and you will take the time you need together as a couple to remember why you fell in love, why you decided to create a life together, and Connect as a couple in every way.

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