Why are so hung up as women over how we look?  More importantly, how can we change this and start making the shift to loving our bodies?

In this Episode I share:

 why I went on my first diet when I was 12
where some of these warped body images come from
what you and I can start doing to love our bodies and create our own definitions of beauty and how women should look

Momma Action Step

Start learning to Love your body.  Whatever small step and however that looks to you: give yourself permission to move each day, buy clothes that fit you not cover you, journal, work through past ‘stuff’ with a girlfriend or a therapist, or maybe just decide it’s time to let go of past events that are keeping you from loving your body.  Take one small thing you can to today, and do that.


Cindy Crawford’s recent un-photoshopped picture

I Choose to Love my Body video (POWERFUL-please watch)

The Body Love Journey (Carmen Jubinville’s powerful program, and recent Mom at 41 guest!)

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Related Mom at 41 Episodes

 Episode 82: Top 5 Reasons to Stop Being So Hard on Yourself

Episode 72: Why are We so Afraid to Feel Pain? 

Episode 71: Why Balance is a Constantly Moving Target with Tenacious Mom Entrepreneur Caroline Stewart

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