In this Episode I’m sharing: 

2 simple and natural solutions to healing your sinuses with Essential Oils
an amazing story on how just one Essential Oil from doTERRA alleviated 2 years of chronic sinusitis


Breathe Essential Oil  

Sinus ‘Tea’ Recipe:

2 drops each of: PeppermintMelaleucaOregano and Lemon Essential Oil in a mug of hot water.  Inhale the vapours as many times as feels good, and repeat a few time throughout the day until sinuses feel clear again.

Watch the video to show you how to make it and the science behind why it works here.

Dr. Karen’s Essential Oils Facebook Page

Family Physican's Kit (5ml Bottles of Breathe, Peppermint, Melaleuca, Oregano, Lemon, Lavender, OnGuard, Frankincense, Digestzen, Deep Blue AND Slim and Sassy) + inlcudes Wellness Advocate Fee (Wholesale Membership).


Home Essentials Kits (full size 15ml Bottles of all oils in Family Physician's Kit except for Slim and Sassy, PLUS Petal Diffuser and includes Wellness Advocate Fee).

To order any of the doTERRA Essential Oils mentioned in this episode and others, go here.

Make sure to Register as a Wellness Advocate to get 25% off products for an entire year, AND a chance to accrue points for free Products! (you can view a short video I made to show you how to place your first order here). 

To register for the Essential Oils 101 Classes:

Online Class on Wednesday January 21st at 3pm EST  (1pm MT) click here.  If you can’t make this time LIVE, still register and I’ll send you the recorded replay after the class!

In-Person Class on Wednesday January 28th at 6:30 PM, click here. The first 20 people will receive a FREE bottle of Wild Orange Essential Oil! 

Or feel free to email me ([email protected]) if you’d like to:

1. Connect via Skype to for a FREE 30 Minute Wellness Consultation including Personalized Essential Oil Recommendations for you and Your Family.

2. Get together 6 or more of your friends, I’ll come to your home to teach a FREE Essential Oils class, that includes gifts for everyone! (this can also be hosted at my Chiropractic Office).

3. If Sharing Essential Oils with other Moms to help their families be healthy and well, and to create more Healers in Home in your Community, send me an email, and we can set up a Consultation to answer all your questions and get you started.

Related Mom at 41 Episodes

Episode 63: A Healer in Every Home

Episode 67: Daily Tips With Essential Oils

Episode 70: Basic Essential Oils: Tips For Lavender, Lemon and Peppermint

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