Some cool new happenings with The Desire Map Workshops AND what's happening for Mom at 41 in 2015!

In this Episode I'm sharing: 

My recent challenges with focus-I want to do it all!
Webinars, webinars, and more webinars to Connect with you in 2015
Some new Projects I'm working on (hello, doTERRA!)
Registration for The Desire Map Workshops (now open) PLUS The Desire Map Webinar coming soon!

Momma Action Steps

1. Register for the Desire Map Workshops in January 2015 (either In-Person or Virtual) to get one of the first 20 spots available, OR you can Register for the Desire Map Webinar  to learn more first (it's free!). 
2. Email me!  What do love about Mom at 41 and the podcast? What’s not your cup of tea? What would you like to see or hear? Where do you really need the most help? What are you struggling with the most that I can help you with? How can I serve you best in your Momma journey? ([email protected])

Love of the Week: iTunes Review

"I love the way Dr. Karen Osburn weaves mindfulness into her stories and advice.  My son is learning how to say "I'm sorry" and even says it to the dog and gives him a hug.  What a great reminder that I need to show him the same level of understanding that I"m asking of him.  Thank you."-Paul Riedner

Thank YOU, Paul!

(NEW) Kick Ass Tweetables to Share!  

[Tweet "Listen to all the cool stuff happening in this great #Moms Community at #Momat41! #Podcast"]

[Tweet "Do you wanna live a life that feels good every day? Me, too! Check out The #DesireMap Workshops! #Momat41"]


Register for the Desire Map Workshops (In-Person or Virutal)

Register for the Desire Map Webinar on Wed Dec 10th at 2pm EST

Danielle LaPorte Website: Read her brilliant blog posts, vision, and purchase the Desire Map Book, Planner, Workbook, CDS and more of the lovely products from Danielle LaPorte here.

Read more of My WHY and my through the moon excitement about becoming a Desire Map Facilitator here!

My doTERRA store:  learn about the research and philosophy of the doTERRA Essential oils, purchase products, and more (email me with any questions, please!

Love What You Eat-future Mom at 41 guest, Ashley Srokosz (I'm hosting a Webinar with her on January 15th!)

Audible: Get your FREE 30 day trial and 1st audio book-so cool!  (I'm currently listening to The Fire Starter Sessions by Danielle LaPorte)

Related Mom at 41 Episodes

Episode 47: Top 7 Reasons To Follow Your Heart

Episode 38: Creating Goals with Soul & the White Hot Truth of Danielle LaPorte

Mom at 41 Facebook Page

Like the Mom at 41 Facebook Page here and read my posts of Inspiration and Support each day, and from all the other Mommas in the Mom at 41 Community! I respond to every single comment, post, and message here, and would love to Connect with you!

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