Is Mindfulness and Meditation important for kids, and how does that even work with active kids? How does it help with what Heather calls 'The Monkey Mind'?

 In this Episode Heather and I discuss:

the moment when her son was born that she thought "I need to show up"
how Mindful Meditation for Children helped her son with anxiety and what teaching Meditation to kids looks like
why our emotional stuff as parents is reflected back in our kids
why it's so important to let go of the guilt and shame as a Mom
and why self-care is VITAL for Moms and how to Create a Kick Ass Life

Heather's Favourite Quote

[Tweet "You're imperfect, you're wired for struggle, but you are worthy of love and belonging.-Brene Brown"]

Top Core Values for Heather

1. Integrity

2. Connection

3. Authenticity

Parenting Advice

Seek, grow and evolve.

Get outside of your comfort zone and learn something new from different people.

[Tweet ""All behavior is a language."-Heather Chauvin on #Parenting on the #Momat41 Podcast. "]


The Desire Map by Danielle LaPorte (Heather's a fan of her work, too!)

Audible: Get your FREE audio book of The Desire Map (or another book of your liking)  AND a 30 day trial with this link for the Mom at 41 Community-awesome!

Related Mom at 41 Episodes

Episode 38: Creating Goals with Soul & the White Hot Truth of Danielle LaPorte 

Episode 36: Daring Greatly as a Parent with Danielle Reed

Episode 37: Slow Parenting, Balance, and Finding Your Own Way as Parent with Best-Selling Author Carl Honore

Episode 20: Is Balance Possible as a Mom?

Episode 8: My Brutiful and Messy Momma Life

How Can you Connect with Heather? 

Heather's Website and subscribe to her Newsletter when you're there!



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