Episode 12: Kelly Rippon, Mom &… Leading by Example Kelly Rippon, started her consulting company, Authentic Change, in 2006, with the mission of changing the world one conversation at a time. Those conversations, combined with her work as a college instructor, corporate trainer, and single mother of six incredible children, including her oldest son, Olympic...

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Episode 12: Kelly Rippon, Mom &… Leading by Example

Kelly Rippon, started her consulting company, Authentic Change, in 2006, with the mission of changing the world one conversation at a time. Those conversations, combined with her work as a college instructor, corporate trainer, and single mother of six incredible children, including her oldest son, Olympic medalist, Adam, prompted her to write Parent Up. The book strives to empower readers by helping them develop an effective leadership perspective that encompasses resiliency, empathy, and optimism.

While Kelly’s book is titled Parent Up, it applies to all areas of life, from professional settings to personal challenges. We talk about how we tend to limit ourselves and lock ourselves into a particular role. Having a specific career, or specializing in a certain field, should not be limiting. You have options, and are never “just a mom” or “just a lawyer” or “just” anything.

Life has seasons, and sometimes we take on a different role completely, or add another layer. Maybe we cut way back and focus on one thing only, whether that is parenting, or writing a book, or going back to school. In any of these scenarios, we can use the principles laid out in Parent Up.

We talk some about raising exceptional children, too. We’d like to point out that ALL children are exceptional. Sometimes, however, the needs of a child place unique demands on our family life. Kelly talks about how she managed that as a single parent. Once again, the lessons she learned can be applied to managing complicated work situations or any personal situation where you may need to do some juggling. 

We also talk a bit about being allies for the LGBTQ community, and what that looks like for all of us. Kelly is the parent of a now famously-out son, and Susanne runs Informed Parents of Austin, a group that advocates for LGBTQ students in her school district. 

Our LLLs


I Care A Lot on Netflix


Firefly Lane on Netflix


Nomadland (in theaters and streaming on Hulu)

Where to find Kelly!

Her website is kellyrippon.com, where you can find all of her social channels.

(Quick links to Twitter and Instagram)

Buy the book: Parent Up

Kelly’s Good Morning America letter to Adam.

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Musical Notes

Our delightfully happy intro and outro theme music, “We Will Get Through This” is performed by Young Presidents, and used under license from Shutterstock.

The post Mom & … Leading by Example – with Kelly Rippon appeared first on Mom And Podcast.

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