So last week I gave you strategies to help you create a great summer for your young person...but this week I'm giving you strategies to help YOU have a great summer.


My goal for this episode is to give you practical strategies to help you stay sane this summer - I don't want you counting down the weeks...days...hours...until it's time to send your young person off to school again. To do that,I go over 6 common misconceptions that I hear from parents every summer, and I address these misconceptions with strategies that will allow you to enjoy every minute of your summer with your family.

I've found that parents experience unwanted frustration when their expectations for summer vacation don't match up with the reality of it. This can lead to disappointment and annoyance - as well as missed opportunities to create lasting memories and strengthen family relationships. 

In today's episode, you'll discover:

[0.00] A personal story about how I used the strategies discussed on my podcast to nurture and guide my own son and daughter

[10:47] The main reason behind summer burnout for parents

[15:09] Common Misconception #1: Your young person will independently choose to spend their time on worthwhile activities instead of screens

[19:54] Common misconception #2: Your young person will be so happy and stress-free during the summer that they’ll behave and not have any meltdowns, teenage tantrums, or any other annoying moody episodes.

[25:40] Common Misconception #3: Your young person will be so happy that it’s summertime that they’ll never get bored.

[31:45] Common Misconception #4: You have to spend ALL your free time being with your young person, entertaining them, or ensuring they have the perfect summer

[34:41] Common Misconception #5: Summer is a waste of time for your young person - they become lazy slobs and forget everything they learned over the school year.

[38:53] Common Misconception #6: Your summertime is characterized by stress, tension, and arguments between you and your young person

Want more info on Modern Parent? Check out the great resources below…

PAST PODCAST EPISODES: Episode #15 & Episode #16

BLOG POST: Hip Hip Hooray For Summertime Boredom

FREE RESOURCE: Solve Your Child or Teen's Sleep Problems

FREE RESOURCE: Summer Schedule Planner

FREE RESOURCE: The Summer Sleep and Wake Routine Worksheet


THE SELF-MOTIVATION SUCCESS ACADEMY: Need more support in helping your child or teen master self-motivation? Then check out our online course for parents – The Self-Motivation Success Academy.

NEWSLETTER: Click HERE to join my email newsletter and be the first to be notified of enrollment for the Self-Motivation Success Academy

ASK ME A QUESTION OR BE ON THE SHOW: Send me an email at [email protected] and tell me about your Modern Parenting challenge. You might be a great fit for me to work with you on a future episode 🙂

ONLINE PARENTING CLASSES: Check out our 100% court-approved classes by clicking HERE.

PARENT COACHING: Want to work with me one-on-one? Click HERE to find out more.


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