If I could wave a magic wand and improve just ONE thing for many of the young people that I help at my office, I would transform their negative and limiting mindsets into positive and empowering ones.

This episode was inspired by some of the recent work that I've been implementing into the sessions with teens in my office. I can't tell you enough how focusing on changing the mindsets of many of my young patients has really improved their mental health, connections with family and friends, and made their self-esteem skyrocket.

In this episode, you'll learn:

[8:22] What mindset is and how it relates to your young person [9:15] How mindset influences your young person's emotions and behaviors (and if you want to change your young person's emotions or behaviors you have to START with their mindset) [11:00] The two categories of mindset: positive and empowering mindsets or negative and limiting mindsets [16:11] The importance of still highlighting some classic mindsets that continue to be important for raising great young people [17:15] Three NEW mindsets that I believe every Modern Parent needs to be teaching their young people: 1) being uncomfortable is temporary, 2) everything is figureoutable, and 3) challenges are not your identity; your accomplishments are. [34:09] Five negative mindsets to avoid [39:02] Are YOU modeling a positive or negative mindset to your young person? Be accountable!

As always, I give you lots of real-world examples as I teach the concept of mindset.

Want more info on Modern Parent? Check out the great resources below…

THE SELF-MOTIVATION CHEAT SHEET: CLICK HERE to download the free Self-Motivation Cheat Sheet THE SELF-MOTIVATION SUCCESS ACADEMY: Need more support in helping your child or teen master self-motivation? Then check out our online course for parents – The Self-Motivation Success Academy. NEWSLETTER: Click HERE to join my email newsletter and be the first to be notified of enrollment for the Self-Motivation Success Academy ASK ME A QUESTION OR BE ON THE SHOW: Send me an email at [email protected] and tell me about your Modern Parenting challenge. You might be a great fit for me to work with you on a future episode 🙂 ONLINE PARENTING CLASSES: Check out our 100% court-approved classes by clicking HERE. PARENT COACHING: Want to work with me one-on-one? Click HERE to find out more.