2022-05-24 Weekly News - Episode 149

Watch the video version on YouTube at https://youtu.be/41GeENj1zho


Gavin Pickin - Senior Developer at Ortus SolutionsBrad Wood - Senior Developer at Ortus Solutions

Thanks to our Sponsor - Ortus Solutions

The makers of ColdBox, CommandBox, ForgeBox, TestBox, and all your favorite box-en out there. 
A few ways  to say thanks back to Ortus Solutions:

BUY SOME ITB TICKETS - COME TO THE CONFERENCELike and subscribe to our videos on YouTube. Help ORTUS reach for the Stars - Star and Fork our ReposStar all of your Github Box Dependencies from CommandBox with https://www.forgebox.io/view/commandbox-github Subscribe to our Podcast on your Podcast Apps and leave us a reviewSign up for a free or paid account on CFCasts, which is releasing new content every weekBuy Ortus’s Book - 102 ColdBox HMVC Quick Tips and Tricks on GumRoad (http://gum.co/coldbox-tips)

Patreon Support

Goal 1 - We have 37 patreons providing 100% of the funding for our Modernize or Die Podcasts via our Patreon site: https://www.patreon.com/ortussolutions.

Goal 2 - We are 48% of the way to fully fund the hosting of ForgeBox.io

Hagerty - MotorSportReg
2 Job Opportunities for Senior Software Engineer, Motorsport - more in the job section.

Watch the video on Youtube

Ready to get in the driver’s seat? Join us!

News and Announcements

CFSummit Website has Announced Dates for 2022

It’s finally happening! For the first time in 2 years, our 10th edition of the Adobe ColdFusion Summit will be in-person! Oct 3-4th will be when you meet coders from across the globe, learn from industry professionals, and dive into our latest release, as you explore coding like never before.
On October 5th, we’re hosting a certification program too. Join in and earn your very own Adobe badge and certificate.

INTO THE BOX - Updates

Announcing Speakers and Sessions for Into the Box 2022 - Round 2

We are excited to announce the second set of speakers and sessions. We have a great mix of Ortus Speakers and Community speakers in this conference, and we have more community speakers coming soon, with a couple more special announcements.
Here is the next 10 speakers and their sessions.

Into the Box 2022 - First Workshops Announced

Async Programming & SchedulingContainerizing & Scaling Your ApplicationsLegacy Code Conversion To The Modern World!TestBox: Getting started with BDD-TDD Oh My!


Help us decide on the other workshops - Twitter Poll concluded!

CommandBox CLI Scripting/ProductivityUp and Running with QuickVueJs SPA and Mobile App with Rest APIs

Foundeo,Inc. to Join Into the Box 2022 as a Bronze Sponsor

CFML Slack Channel without using Slack

Sean Corfield tweeted about this new Slack link, and we wanted to share it.

New Releases and Updates

CommandBox v5.5.2 Released!

We are pleased to release CommandBox 5.5.2.  This is patch release following our recent 5.5.1 release.  It contains mostly fixes for regressions in the 5.5. release.  If you're upgrading from CommandBox 5.4, please refer to the 5.5.1 release notes first.
Good number of bug fixes, improvements and tasks.

Lucee Released

Following up on our stable release, the Lucee team is proud to announce our stable release

Adobe CF Builder release - update

From Mark on Slack

I know I sound like a broken record, but it is really close. I've had 2 long demos of it this week, with one more left. It looks really, really good. I'm using the latest build for all my demos, and its like... right there. There's like, one dumb bug that's probably already been fixed. Look for at least one deep dive engineering talk about VS Code during Developer Week (and I'm pushing for 2 talks because, frankly, an hour isn't enough time to cover everything this tool does). I'm trying so hard not to oversell it here, but I honestly think this is going to become the number 1 CFML IDE tool everyone uses.

ICYMI - Adobe CF Engine Updates are in CommandBox now

Adobe CF engines 2018.0.14+330003 and 2021.0.04+330004 are now available on ForgeBox for your usage.  When started on CommandBox 5.5, ACF 2021 is finally free of Log4j 1.x.  ACF 2018 seems to still be using Log4j 1.x however.

ICYMI - CFWheels 2.3.0 Stable Released

This is the official v2.3.0 release. It is dropping a little over a week from Release Candidate 1. We simply wanted to make sure the new CI/CD workflow was functioning before calling the release final. We feel confident that we’re good to mark this release as final. There are no new enhancements or bug fixes in this release from 2.3.0.rc.1.
Blog: https://cfwheels.org/blog/cfwheels-2-3-0-released/


Ortus Webinar - May - Clearing the Fuzzies on Fuzzy Search with Michael Born

May 27th 2022: Time 11:00 AM Central Time ( US and Canada )
Take a walk through the world of search in this webinar which will show why your database search is not smart enough, explain the basics of how fuzzy search works, and show how to use CBElasticsearch to bring the power of fuzzy searching to your CF application.
View all Webinars: https://www.ortussolutions.com/events/webinars

June 2022 Seattle ColdFusion User Group Meeting

We are r...

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