2023-12-19 Weekly News — Episode 209

Watch the video version on YouTube at https://youtube.com/live/BbBInJ9LgDo?feature=share


Eric Peterson - Senior Developer at Ortus SolutionsDaniel Garcia - Senior Developer at Ortus Solutions

Thanks to our Sponsor - Ortus Solutions

The makers of ColdBox, CommandBox, ForgeBox, TestBox and all your favorite box-es out there. 
A few ways to say thanks back to Ortus Solutions:

Buy Tickets to Into the Box 2024 in Washington DC https://www.intothebox.org/Like and subscribe to our videos on YouTube. Help ORTUS reach for the Stars - Star and Fork our ReposStar all of your Github Box Dependencies from CommandBox with https://www.forgebox.io/view/commandbox-github Subscribe to our Podcast on your Podcast Apps and leave us a review AND WE WILL READ IT ON THE SHOWSign up for a free or paid account on CFCasts, which is releasing new content regularlyBOXLife store: https://www.ortussolutions.com/about-us/shopBuy Ortus’s Books102 ColdBox HMVC Quick Tips and Tricks on GumRoad (http://gum.co/coldbox-tips)Now on Amazon!https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CJHB712MLearn Modern ColdFusion (CFML) in 100+ Minutes - Free online https://modern-cfml.ortusbooks.com/ or buy an EBook or Paper copy https://www.ortussolutions.com/learn/books/coldfusion-in-100-minutes 

Patreon Support (Festive)

We have 42 patreons:

News and Announcements

No new news

New Releases and Updates

ContentBox 6 Released
Lots of great updates including improvements to the ContentBox CLI, upgraded to use ColdBox 7, now using cbSecurity 3 with more security features, content templates, domain aliases, migrations, and more!

Webinar / Meetups and Workshops

ICYMI - Hawaii ColdFusion Meetup Group - InertiaJS and ColdFusion with Eric Peterson
InertiaJS is a new JavaScript framework made for people who don’t really need an API but want to use a modern JavaScript framework like React or Vue as their view layer. Inspired by libraries like Turbolinks, InteriaJS makes your app behave like a SPA while still being a fully server-rendered app.
Recording: https://hawaiicoldfusionusergroup.adobeconnect.com/pkc1egu6z131/

Online CFMeetup - Installing CF2023: choices, challenges, and solutions with Charlie Arehart
December 21st, 2023 at 12pm US Eastern Time
If you'll be installing CF2023, there are some things to consider before or as you do. First, be aware that besides the traditional full installer there's the new "zip" install option (added in CF2021). What's that about, why might you want to use it--or not?

Then there are some options and choices during installation--some new also with CF2021. Perhaps it's been a while since you've installed even previous CF versions. We'll cover some of the key options to consider (including license activation, package/module management, and more) as well as post-install steps including updating CF and the JVM, and migrating in CF Admin settings (including using the new CLI/json admin config tool, cfsetup).

CFCasts Content Updates


Recent Releases

Into the Box 2023 Videos are now available for all Paid Subscriptions https://cfcasts.com/series/itb-2023 

Coming Soon

Mastering CBWIRE v3 from Grant

Conferences and Training

ITB 2024

Location: Optica in Washington, DCAnnouncement Blog Post: https://www.ortussolutions.com/blog/our-into-the-box-2024-venue-and-dates-are-setDates: May 15-17, 2024Get Blind Tickets Now (through the end of the year): https://www.eventbrite.com/e/into-the-box-2024-the-new-era-of-modernization-tickets-663126347757Call for Speakers: CLOSED First batch of sessions and workshops being announced this week.

Save the Date: CFCamp 2024

Location: Munich, Freising, GermanyDates: June 13-14, 2024Call for Speakers: around mid-January (https://twitter.com/cf_camp/status/1736851753260498946)Twitter Link: https://twitter.com/cf_camp/status/1736705195927646236Facebook Link: https://t.co/YKU4dhuHEO

More conferences

Need more conferences, this site has a huge list of conferences for almost any language/community.

Blogs, Tweets, and Videos of the Week

12/06/23 - Blog - Ben Nadel - Generating Pandoc Heading Identifiers In ColdFusion
Over on my Feature Flags book website, I'm using my book's Markdown content to generate the HTML for the page. I then use jSoup to inject a table of contents (TOC); which requires that I insert an identifier into each header element. And, now that I'm trying to use Pandoc to generate an EPUB (digital book) version, I need to make sure that my ColdFusion-based header identifiers match the ones that Pandoc will generate in the final EPUB.

12/11/23 - Blog - Robert Zehnder - Bringing back commandbox-ssg
Over the past few years, my focus has been largely on blog-related projects. My initial foray into the world of static site generators began with commandbox-jasper. This project laid the foundation for my current static site generator, aptly named commandbox-ssg. commandbox-ssg not only inherits a substantial portion of its codebase from Jasper, but it also boasts several refinements and a more descriptive name that better captures its functionality. The name Jasper, while a sentimental nod to my dog, didn't quite convey the tool's purpose.

The transition of my development environment from MacOS to Windows, however, presented some unexpected challenges. It became apparent that my assumptions regarding file paths, which worked seamlessly on MacOS, were not compatible w...

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