2021-09-14 Weekly News - Episode 119

Watch the video version on YouTube at https://youtu.be/kLHvpYdI_Ds

Eric Peterson - Senior Developer for Ortus Solutions
Gavin Pickin - Senior Developer for Ortus Solutions

Thanks to our Sponsor - Ortus Solutions

The makers of ColdBox, CommandBox, ForgeBox, TestBox and almost every other Box out there. 
A few ways  to say thanks back to Ortus Solutions:

Like and subscribe to our videos on YouTube. Sign up for a free or paid account on CFCasts, which is releasing new content every weekBecome an ITB Sponsor - https://www.intothebox.org/#sponsors-2021 Buy Ortus’s new Book - 102 ColdBox HMVC Quick Tips and Tricks on GumRoad (http://gum.co/coldbox-tips)

Patreon Support

We have 38 patreons providing 100% of the funding for our Modernize or Die Podcasts via our Patreon site: https://www.patreon.com/ortussolutions.
We are now 41% of the way to our next goal, fully funding the ForgeBox.io site.
Now offering Annual Memberships, pay for the year and save 10% - great for businesses.

News and Events

Special Into the Box Announcement - ITB 2021 is now Hybrid!!!!

We will still be doing live in person, but with Covid numbers rising sharply, we are now offering online streaming tickets to all of those not willing or able to attend in person.
Check your tickets now!
If you sign up for a 1 year subscription to CFCasts by 9/22 you will get a free virtual ticket to ITB

No Podcast September 21st

With everything happening next week with the Into the Box Conference - we will not be live streaming a podcast that week.
We will be back, with a full ITB Recap on September 28th, after the conference.

Adobe ColdFusion Updates Released

We are pleased to announce that we have released the updates for the following ColdFusion versions:

ColdFusion (2021 release) Update 2ColdFusion (2018 release) Update 12

Note: The ColdFusion (2021 release) installers have also been refreshed with this update. The new server installers bundle Update 2 and JDK 11.0.11. The ColdFusion Add-Ons and other installers are bundled with JDK 11.0.11. The refreshed installers are available at ColdFusion downloads.

Adobe CF 2021 Docker Images finally on DockerHub

I’m happy to be able to report that Adobe has finally started putting their ColdFusion Docker images onto Docker hub, for now at least CF2021, which I found was put there last week. We can expect more in time, I’m sure. For more info, read on.

Adobe 1 Day Workshop - Adobe ColdFusion Workshop with Damien Bruyndonckx

Wed, September 22, 2021
09:00 - 17:00 CEST EUROPEAN
Join the Adobe ColdFusion Workshop to learn how you and your agency can leverage ColdFusion to create amazing web content. This one-day training will cover all facets of Adobe ColdFusion that developers need to build applications that can run across multiple cloud providers or on-premise.

Adobe Webinar for September - Head in the clouds: Installing ColdFusion on Azure and AWS with Mark Takata

Wed, September 22, 2021
09:00 - 10:00 PDT
If you’ve been thinking about getting your CF instance moved into the cloud but don’t know where to start, this webinar will get you rolling. We will explore how to install, configure and update CF2021 installs in both Amazon AWS and Microsoft Azure and give you tips and tricks on how to get things off the ground.

CFCasts Content Updates


Just Released

Up and Running with QuickStep 8 Exercise23-BelongsToMany RelationshipStep 9 Exercise

Coming this week

More Up and Running with Quick

Send your suggestions at https://cfcasts.com/support

Conferences and Training

Into the Box 2021 - HYBRID - Live in Person in Texas. and Live Online

September 23rd and 24th.
Speakers and Schedule Released!!

Adobe ColdFusion Summit 2021

December 7th and 8th
Register for Free - https://cfsummit.vconfex.com/site/adobe-cold-fusion-summit-2021/1290
Blog - https://coldfusion.adobe.com/2021/09/adobe-coldfusion-summit-2021-registrations-open/

More conferences

Need more conferences, this site has a huge list of conferences for almost any language/community.

Blogs, Tweets and Videos of the Week

Blog - Adobe - Adobe ColdFusion Updates Released

We are pleased to announce that we have released the updates for the following ColdFusion versions:
ColdFusion (2021 release) Update 2
ColdFusion (2018 release) Update 12
Note: The ColdFusion (2021 release) installers have also been refreshed with this update. The new server installers bundle Update 2 and JDK 11.0.11. The ColdFusion Add-Ons and other installers are bundled with JDK 11.0.11. The refreshed installers are available at ColdFusion downloads.

Blog - Ben Nadel - Producing And Consuming Amazon SQS Messages In Lucee CFML
A year ago, I shed some light on my quest to merge microservices back into my ColdFusion monolith. For my size team and the type of domain boundaries that we have, a monolith just makes the most sense. And while I've been thrilled with the progress my team has made in its re-consolidation efforts, there's one more microservice that I've had my eye on for a long time. This microservice has eluded my grasp, however, because it interacts with a message queue. And, to date, all parts of the legacy platform that deal with message queues live outside of the monolith. As such, if I ever want to pull this microservice back into the monolith, I have to figure out how to use message queues in ColdFusion. To start with, I wanted to see if I could simply produce and consume Amazon SQS (Simple Queue Service) messages in Lucee CFML

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