2020-05-12 Weekly News - Episode 53

Watch the video version on YouTube at https://youtu.be/2LFYBambFIs


Gavin Pickin - Software Consultant for Ortus Solutions
Brad Wood - Lead Architect for Ortus Solutions

Thanks to our Sponsor - Ortus Solutions

Get live training from the makers of your favorite Box Product.
Into the Box 2020 Conference was last week. watch the recordings later on our new video platform releasing this week, CFCasts.

Patreon Support

Thanks to our Newest Patreon Supporter - Carl Von Stetten
We are at the 45% mark for fully funding all of our Modernize or Die Podcasts via our Patreon site: patreon.com/ortussolutions . If you love our podcasts and all we do for the #coldfusion #cfml community considers chipping in, we are almost there!

News and Events

Adobe ColdFusion Developer Week Next Week

That's right, this year we’re going fully virtual and we have some exciting things planned for you! For every session you attend this time, you stand to receive CPE credits, with one credit hour offered per session.
If that wasn't enough, we have another special prize to give away too! Every session promises an exciting raffle draw through which you earn the chance to win a $100 gift card.

Into the Box last week

It was a big success. Most people seemed to like the Sococo virtual conference setup, although they could change some of the notification defaults.
The Keynotes streamed live, without hiccups, except we always go overtime. We split the keynote into 2 days, and we still couldn’t keep it under the hour.

ITB Announcements
- Ortus announced CBCommerce - Opensource Commerce platform for CFML - Coming out later in 2020.
- CFCasts - Platform for all your CFML training videos - free and subscription plans available - releasing this week with all of the ITB videos available free for attendees, or via subscription or package purchase for non attendees

Relax v4.1.0 Released

We are so excited to bring you the release of Relax v4.1.0. Though the release version is minor, this version contains a number of enhancements to OpenAPI v3 support, including better formatting and display of the new-to-3.0 requestBody schema and properties. In addition the user experience has been greatly improved as the UI has been rewritten in VueJS and is now optimized for displaying large API documents with hundreds of routes and thousands of methods. Enjoy!

Reminder: State of the CF Union 2020 Survey

Help us find out the state of the CF Union – what versions of CFML Engine do people use, what frameworks, tools etc. We will share the summary results with everyone who completes the survey so that you can see how you compare with other CF developers.
Most questions are multiple choice checkboxes that are fast to answer. Thanks for your time completing this survey!
Partial Results: https://teratech.com/state-of-the-CF-Union-2020-partial-Results


Into the Box 2020 - Virtual Online Conference

Great success last week May 7th and 8th.
Keynotes were live streamed here:
Day 1: https://youtu.be/iTmeNStD_vc
Day 2: https://youtu.be/K3BiRdMu4W4
Modernize or Die - Conference Edition live from ITB: https://youtu.be/RUA2KIBsaqI

ITB 2020 videos on sale soon on CFCasts
Attendees get them included with their Conference ticket.

Previous ITB Videos on Sale
Can’t wait for this year’s ITB, you can watch videos from last year and the year before for a price of $9.99 each.

ITB Swag available at the Online Store: https://www.ortussolutions.com/shop#!/

Workshops are being refunded and will be scheduled at later times to give everyone an opportunity to attend one or more workshops as they are delivered online.

OpenSource101 Online Conference

Tuesday, May 12
Price: $19 - All the Free tickets have gone!
Register: https://opensource101.com/

Adobe ColdFusion Developer Week

The developer week webinars would cover all these topics and much more. This is a series of free, live webinars where the audience would be able to hear from the best developers in the ColdFusion world.
If you are a new developer, someone with little or no ColdFusion experience, or even if you have been using ColdFusion all your life, these sessions are ideal for you. The ColdFusion Developer Week provides something for everyone so sign up now.
May 18th - 22nd - Online
2 Sessions per day - 10 sessions through the week.
Free - Register Online

Microsoft Build

May 19-20.
For developers by developers
As developers come together to help the world solve new challenges—sharing knowledge and staying connected is more important than ever. Join your community to learn, connect, and code—to expand your skillset today, and innovate for tomorrow.
Free: Join us for the 48-hour digital experience

DockerCon - Live

May 28, 2020 : 9:00 - 5:00 PM GMT-7 (PDT)
DockerCon is going digital with theCUBE! We’ve designed a 1-day conference that’s free and completely online. You’ll hear from speakers in live interviews with theCUBE, hang out with Docker experts in the live hallway track, and watch recorded sessions while chatting live with the speakers.
Choose from 3 simultaneously streaming channels or jump between them all to experience DockerCon your way.

CF Summit West

October 28-29
Mirage Hotel

CF Camp

More conferences: https://confs.tech/

Blogs, Tweets and Videos of the Week

Blog - Wil De Bruin - Cbsecurity (3): Security rules
In my previous post I explained cbauth based authentication combined with annotation based security. Annotations are easy to understand, so good as a starting point, but if you need something more flexible you need security rules. So when would you need security rules?

Blog - Pete Freitag - Slides: Continuous Integration Zero to Infinity
It was great to be ...