2020-06-23 Weekly News - Episode 58

Watch the video version on YouTube at: https://youtu.be/QsPE90ZDZ3w


Gavin Pickin - Software Consultant for Ortus Solutions
Eric Peterson - Software Consultant for Ortus Solutions

Thanks to our Sponsor - Ortus Solutions

Get live training from the makers of your favorite Box Product.
Live Virtual Workshops available for signup in June and more to be announced soon.
CFCasts.com is up and running with all of the Into the Box 2020 Videos.

Patreon Support

We are at the 48% mark for fully funding all of our Modernize or Die Podcasts via our Patreon site: https://www.patreon.com/ortussolutions . If you love our podcasts and all we do for the #coldfusion #cfml community considers chipping in, we are almost there!

News and Events

Happy Birthday ColdBox - 14 years Old

Ortus Webinar - Modern Functional & Fluent CFML REST APIs

Presented by: Gavin Pickin
Friday June 26th, at 9am PDT or 11am CDT
DRY Programming can be more fun than you think, in this session we'll show you how a few helper methods can give you a functional, fluent, stylish and clean way to write code for your REST API. Not writing an API, this can help traditional Applications too.
Registration Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0qceuoqjMiGtVP0Bj9Uvya5hCV6yX1pzm-
Webinars page: https://www.ortussolutions.com/events/webinars

ColdFusion Meetup - "Keeping CF (and Java) updated: challenges and solutions", with Charlie Arehart

Thursday June 25 at 12pm US Eastern Time, UTC-4.
Are you keeping up on whatever updates are available for the CF version you're running (2018, 2016, or so on)? And how about updating the Java/JVM that CF uses? You should be, for security as well as bug fix reasons. And what about the web server connector (wsconfig)?
Meeting URL: https://experts.adobeconnect.com/cfmeetup/

ICYMI: ColdFusion Meetup - "How to transform DB tuning into a rewarding effort", with Josh Patterson

Presented on June 18th
Poor database performance can cost you customers, and when it’s happening that’s not the best time to be making decisions about how to monitor and tune things. Better to consider options in advance, and even proactively tune things if possible. Tuning might also allow you to reduce overly-scaled out instances, reducing DB licensing and/or server costs.
Recording: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m3man0qcnq4&feature=youtu.be
Event: https://www.meetup.com/coldfusionmeetup/events/271254532/

ICYMI: ColdFusion Meetup - "Low-Code for the ColdFusion Developer – What is it, and Why you should care" with G. Andrew Duthie

June 11th
ColdFusion developers know what it means to be productive. Delivering data-driven websites and solutions is familiar territory. But whether you’re an employee in the enterprise, or a contractor seeking out your next gig, you may start hearing about Low-Code, if you haven’t already. Maybe your company has decided to try it out, or maybe it’s just something a customer asked about, but if you listen to the analysts, Low-Code is a growing segment of the IT market, and a market shaping up to be in the tens of billions of dollars.
Recording: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TfZdgBoSurM&feature=youtu.be
Event: https://www.meetup.com/coldfusionmeetup/events/271110445/

Reminder: State of the CF Union 2020 Survey

Help us find out the state of the CF Union – what versions of CFML Engine do people use, what frameworks, tools etc. We will share the summary results with everyone who completes the survey so that you can see how you compare with other CF developers.
Most questions are multiple choice checkboxes that are fast to answer. Thanks for your time completing this survey!
Survey: https://teratech.com/state-of-the-cf-union-2020/
Partial Results: https://teratech.com/state-of-the-CF-Union-2020-partial-Results


Into the Box 2020 - Workshops - Virtual Live training

Luis leading ColdBox Hero to Superhero July 23-24 - DATE CHANGED

2 x 6 hour days
9am-12pm Central
1 hour lunch
1pm to 4pm central

Tickets available: $899

Discount Codes:

PODCAST10 - 10% off
There is a code for ITB attendees to save 15% - If you didn’t get the email contact us.

ColdBox Zero to Hero - Coming in July - date to be confirmed shortly - Possibly July 9/10

CF Summit West
October 28-29
Mirage Hotel

CF Camp

More conferences: https://confs.tech/

Blogs, Tweets and Videos of the Week

Blog - Ben Nadel - Scope Traversal Behavior With Undefined Function Arguments In Lucee CFML
Just now, as I was looking at iterating over Structs using CFLoop in Lucee CFML, I ran into a fun little behavior of the ColdFusion language: Scope traversal will skip-over undefined function arguments and access like-named values in higher-up scopes. At first, this feels like a bug. But, I think it ends-up being consistent with how ColdFusion has always handled scope traversal. That said, as a mental refresher, I thought it would be worth exploring this use-case in Lucee CFML

Blog - Ben Nadel - Struct Iteration With CFLoop Exposes Both Key And Value In Lucee CFML
Back in February, when I was having lunch with Gert Franz, co-creator of Lucee CFML, we were commiserating on how amazing ColdFusion is. At that lunch, Gert told me about some of the great things that Lucee CFML offers, like its seamless support for ColdFusion Tags in CFScript. Another minor feature that he mentioned was that the CFLoop tag exposes both Key and Value attribute that remove the need to look-up the value within the CFLoop body. Now, months later, I finally used this feature for the first time in yesterday's post on proxying Amazon S3 uploads using CFHTTP and Lucee CFML. Given the fact that Adobe ColdFusion doesn't support this feature, I thought it might be worth exploring in Lucee CFML in case new Lucee-converts didn't realize it was there (just as I didn't).

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