2021-02-23 Weekly News - Episode 92

Watch the video version on YouTube at https://youtu.be/ZebdKMn4X0E


Brad Wood - Software Consultant for Ortus Solutions
Eric Peterson- Software Consultant for Ortus Solutions

Thanks to our Sponsor - Ortus Solutions

One way to say thanks back to Ortus Solutions, is to support CFCasts, which is releasing new content every week

Patreon Support

We have 33 patreons providing 69% of the funding for our Modernize or Die Podcasts via our Patreon site: https://www.patreon.com/ortussolutions. If you love our podcasts and all we do for the #coldfusion #cfml community considers chipping in, we are almost there!

News and Events

Last week Adobe ColdFusion 2016 was EOL’ed

Feb 17, 2021 - end of core support for Adobe CF 2016 and CF Builder 2016
Extended Support ends 2/17/22
CF 2018 core support ends 7/13/2023
CF 2021 core support ends  11/10/2025

PrismJS now supports CFML - thanks to Matthew Clemente

No live coding last week, but Matthew was excited to see that his PR to add CFScript support to @prismjs was merged:
It only took *checks calendar* 5 or 6 livestreams to complete 😅
Looking forward to #CFML syntax highlighting!

Adobe Webinar - SQL, I know enough to break everything - Dave Ferguson

February 24th 2021
If you are reading this you have probably written SQL in one form or another.  I would also bet that you have written SQL that looked great but didn't act great.  Looking back at it was more like a little puppy that tilts its head at strange sounds.  We all have, even the "experts" among, us have written SQL that had intentional consequences.  On the other hand, maybe you support a system that has SQL that you just don't quite understand.  If some of this is true, this session is for you.
This session will take a look at why SQL may not run the way it was intended.  We will look well beyond just the select statement and look deeper into how SQL runs.  We will go over what the DBA's keep to themselves as well as other metrics.  We will also look at some well-intended SQL and why the results were less than ideal. 

Online CF Meetup - "The Golden Hammer: Confessions of a Recovering Database Abuser", w/ Shawn Oden

Thursday, February 25, 2021
11:00 AM to 12:00 PM CST
Early in my dev career, I often (unwittingly) abused my systems. My code didn't care about things like databases or networks, as long as the results were right. I had a cfHammer, and I needed to pound out a solution. I never knew I was an anti-pattern.
Meetup Link: https://www.meetup.com/coldfusionmeetup/events/276405673/

Ortus Webinar - Take Control of Logging and Error handling with Stachebox with Jon Clausen

Friday, February 26th - 11:00 AM CDT (GMT -6:00)
Tracking, handling, and resolving bugs between different tiers can be challenging, especially in containerized or cloud environments. In this webinar, Jon Clausen will introduce you to capturing your back end and front-end error messages, and consolidating them in to one single, aggregated platform - backed by the power of Elasticsearch.
Register: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZEqdO2qpjgjH9Y9FCGbn2dkx-ARjlpenKMm

ICYMI - Mid Michigan CFUG - Docker with John Farrar

Feb 16th  - 7pm
I will be doing a Docker meeting for the Mid Michigan CFUG this month. It is Rick Mason’s user group and details will follow. I am going to put a special emphasis on Traefik if anyone is interested. I am a user now, not an expert but find it a better experience than Apache, HAProxxy, IIS or Nginx so far. Your experience may vary.
CFUG Website: http://www.mmcfug.org/
Recording: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aywqGmEQkzk&fbclid=IwAR1o_9BD77MsoxArBDQgmPw4F0xI1d2dkJO2zaga7PZjCoe7bc3O9b7UdfA

Updated ForgeBox pricing


Reminder about the new Ortus Community

Ortus has rolled out our new Ortus Community site to help consolidate all of our community support and interaction.  As part of that effort, all our Google Group threads have been imported to the new Ortus Community and effective immediately, our Google Groups are closed for further posting.
If you're a member of our Google groups, don't worry-- your user has already been imported into the community forum and as soon as you sign up, you will be automatically associated with all of your old posts so you can pick up your conversations right where you left off!  We've even added single sign on options for Github, Facebook, Google, and Twitter (coming soon).  If your new account is under a different E-mail address, let us know and we can merge your accounts together.

CFCasts Content Updates

Just Released
- CommandBox Zero to Hero
    - Config Settings and History
    - Other Execution Examples
    - The Backtick Expression

Coming up
- More CommandBox Hero to Zero

Send your suggestions at https://cfcasts.com/support

Conferences and Training

RedisConf 2021

Virtual: Apr 20-21
Call for speakers end Feb 14 - https://sessionize.com/redisconf2021/


May 27th 2021

Ortus Workshops - Dates coming soon

Quick Workshop
March 11-12
Lead by the creator of Quick himself, Eric Peterson.
Information: https://www.ortussolutions.com/blog/first-workshop-of-the-year-announced-up-and-running-with-quick

Register now https://www.eventbrite.com/e/up-and-running-with-quick-tickets-124157021995

More dates to come
- CommandBox Zero to Hero
- ColdBox Zero to Hero
- ColdBox Hero to SuperHero

Ortus’s Possible Conferences for 2021

Dates subject to change

Due to Online conference overload, we are thinking about not expanding the number of events, but more content in more timezones with a different format.

ITB - Developer Week Style??
With some European Timezone Friendly slots from our European Community Members
September 2021

Twitter Mentions