Have you ever heard someone give you vague advice?  Do you run into walls when asking for help, only to find that the advice is just regurgitated variations of the same cliché?  Join Adam and Cameron as we explore some of the most common misconceptions. From breaking down industry clichés to exploring the impact of personal habits on professional growth, this podcast is your backstage pass to real, sustainable success in the music industry. Tune in to unlock the secrets of thriving as a modern music producer.

 Resources:Episode 58: Becoming The Music Giant Netflix Tech Blog: The Netflix Simian Army. Keeping our cloud safe, secure, and availableVeritasium - What The Ultimate Study On Happiness Reveals (youtube)Episode 23: Making Money Moves Episode 45: The Top Money Mindsets for a Better Music BusinessEpisode 16: Ikigai (How to Find Your Brand Identity)Acuity – All-in-one appointment managementDistrokid – The easiest way to get music onto Spotify, Apple, Amazon, Tidal, TikTok, and more.Get Backblaze – We’re offering a free month of Backblaze cloud backup for a limited time!Mailchimp – Easy email marketing campaigns


Modern Producer Secrets Podcast is brought to you by Music Producers Alliance®. We help music producers elevate their brands online so they can attract higher quality artists who will pay premium prices for their production services and make a bigger impact in the music industry.  


Producer & Host: Cameron Bashaw
Co-Host: Adam Reifsteck
Editorial: Cameron Bashaw
Edited in Descript. Try it for yourself!
Published by: Teknofonic Recordings LLC
Intro Song: Project OverthrowCameron Bashaw
Outro song: Lost in A Remix – Pollux & Castor