You could probably think of ten things you’d rather do than work on your business’s website. Regardless of how unexciting it might be, your website is often your customer’s first encounter with your business — making a well-designed website essential for digital marketing success.


In this episode, you’ll learn the main reasons why web design matters and top tips and elements to easily make your website more effective so it can make you money.


Episode Discussions: Why website design matters The best places for a call to action on your website How many call to actions to have and the negative impact of having too many How to choose which call to action to use The question your website should immediately answer One of the most powerful forces in the marketing world and ways to include it on your website The psychology behind social proof Why video is an important element to have in your marketing and on your website Different places to post video other than your website Why not having a responsive website is losing you customers and money Examples of successful clean and easy-to-understand websites How to think like your visitors to create the easiest experience possible How to avoid making social proof look “staged” Why text is still important for your website and how having too much can hurt you The ultimate key to designing a successful website A recommended resource to help you implement this episode’s guidelines and tips



#1. Design matters. Always remember: The back button is just one click away Important to make a good first impression Should positively reflect your brand, be clean, simple, easy to navigate Less is more



#2. Confirm before you convert. Immediately answer your website visitor's question "Am I in the right place?" Place a clear, compelling tagline in a prominent place Don't confuse visitors with fancy talk or jargon. Avoid being overly creative. Keep it simple.



#3. Have one call to action. Have one primary goal above all else. Everything on the site should be designed to support that key objective. Too many options results in less action taken — not more. Decide your best sales conversion mechanism and build from there.



#4. Simplify your services. Ensure your product/ services page is short, simple, easy to understand Add a "click to read more" button if necessary. Start off with less being more. Pretend you're explaining your services to a 12-year-old. Combine large varieties of services/products into relevant categories.



#5. Make it responsive. Over half of all web browsing is done from a device other than a desktop computer. Ensure your website looks as good, or better, on a tablet, smartphone, TV.

"If your website isn't responsive to different screen sizes, it needs to be and it needs to be today. Otherwise you're losing money and you're losing customers."


#6. Don't make them think. Your website should be as easy as possible for visitors. The less they have to search, decipher, and scroll, the better. Examples of clean and easy-to-understand websites: Google, Airbnb, Dropbox, Uber. Do the thinking for your visitor by asking yourself: What info would they want? What is the best way to deliver it to them? How can you deliver the best, fastest, easiest solution cleanly and simply?



#7. Prove it. Social proof is one of the most powerful forces in the marketing world. Shows how others have acted. Gives guidance and context on how they should act as well. Social proof is ingrained in our psychology. Use testimonials, reviews, endorsements, case studies, build up a large social media following. Make it credible, make it look like your target market, go easy to avoid looking "staged."



#8. A video is worth a million words. Text is important on your website for search engines and visitors who prefer reading. But too much text is likely hurting your user experience, conversions, and sales. Replace some of your website's text with video whenever possible. Videos help: Humanize your brand Build trust Convince and convert undecided/on the fence customers Create massive authority in your market


Places to post video other than your website: YouTube, Facebook video, Vimeo.



"The key to designing a successful website is remembering that it's not about you, it's about your customers."

Put their needs, experience, and desires first. Follow this episode’s guidelines and implement tips: Many DIY options available Specializes in everything discussed in this episode Helps put all tips into reality


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Contact Adam: [email protected]


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