Listen closely to this episode because every word packs a punch. In it, Adam unveils the raw emotions and circumstances behind an almost 2-month Modern Marketing podcast hiatus. Learn the present state of online marketing, what trends to leave behind, and what new and exciting opportunities are on the horizon.

[5:10] Inspirational conversations with good people who built successful multi-million-dollar empires—and how I let myself and everyone else down.


[5:38] “I've been watching trends over the last few months and years…I realized I may have been part of the problem. That ends now.”


[7:37] Success is OK but you're not allowed to talk about it. Being an expert is a ‘bad thing.’ And that’s why I’m part of the problem.


[8:26] Don't hide your success or expert status just to validate other's lack of it. You've worked hard. You've earned it.


[8:53] Current state of online marketing: “The way to succeed is to just be you. But to be the best version of you whatever that is.”


“Never be afraid to kick ass and take names. The world needs you to.”



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