Running a small business is no easy feat so we commend those who do. Your day-to-day dealings demand most of your time and energy, leaving you without much to invest in your long-term goals. Even though you’re aware of how imperative marketing is to the ultimate success of your business, it still finds its way to the backburner.


The solution is to concentrate your efforts on the most effective strategy that provides the greatest return.


In this episode, Adam discusses the power of a content marketing strategy and how it can be used to deliver more quality leads and customers for your small business. Listen to find out how to get started using a content marketing strategy and begin as early as now.


Episode Discussions: The remarkable success of content marketing The best place to distribute your content How much content is enough? How building up a content database will grow your business Why it’s important to be consistent and committed to your content strategy Suggestions on how to align your content channel with your comfort level How to provide valuable content that ensures the success of your strategy



Steps to start using a content marketing strategy:



Find your channel. Focus on one channel and master it. When finding the best content channel, look at your market and find what best aligns with their consumption habits.


Key: Start small and build from there.



Align your market's preference with the channel you feel most comfortable on. Prefer writing over speaking - use a text based blog Prefer speaking over writing - start a podcast Prefer video over typing - use a video-based channel easy to repurpose and syndicate content across other channels Be consistent and committed to your content marketing strategy.




Find your voice. Identify your business's unique selling proposition (USP) What makes you better of different from the competition? Focus on providing value: make sure it helps, educates, and informs. Be yourself.

"Together, they provide an unequaled level of authenticity and connection."



Find your frequency.

"The more time, money, and energy you dedicate to your content marketing strategy, the greater and faster your returns will be."

Being consistent and regular with producing content: builds up your audience increases your perceived level of expertise and builds trust creates a content database that continuously provides value


Key: Find the right level of frequency for you and your business and stick with it.



"Focusing on quality over quantity will help build a foundation of content that will make growing your business faster, easier, and more profitable than ever before."


Contact Adam: [email protected]


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