Without new leads, there’s no new business at all. That’s why lead generation plays such a significant role in keeping your business’s future secure.


In this episode, Adam discusses three lead gen tips, the single most important tool in lead gen today, and how to implement it into your marketing strategy.


Episode Discussions: Where most well-intentioned leadgen strategies go wrong The bonus lead gen tool every business needs to succeed Why it’s worth investing resources into developing lead magnets One lead magnet or multiple? How to get crystal clear on your lead gen strategy The different types of lead magnets Why consistency is so important to lead gen How to decide what lead magnet to develop for your business How to get crystal clear on your lead gen strategy The importance of your customer avatar and how to conduct free market research



1. Strategy and systems Success is largely based on underlying systems and strategies you use. Ask yourself questions like: who is my ideal target market? what do my best customers have in common? what is their biggest challenge? how can I help solve it for them? Be crystal clear on your strategy Understand and learn about your customer avatar and who you're trying to reach. Listen to episode #2 "The Customer Avatar" Listen to episode #3 "Free Customer Market Research"



2. Consistency is crucial Sporadic, random leadgen isn't much better than generating no leads at all. Without consistency, it's hard to plan and scale. Focus on identifying a steady and consistent leadgen source Discovering the perfect combination for your business allows you to confidently invest in it, knowing your output will exceed your input.

"It takes some time but the ROI goes to those who try."



3. Give to get Leadgen is a value exchange. Don't devalue your prospects time and attention. Offer value by giving something away of equal or greater perceived value than your prospects contact details. The bonus leadgen tool every business needs to succeed: A lead magnet is one of the most valuable and underutilized tools available. It’s something of value to entice your prospect to give up their contact details. Offered in many forms: Guides, cheat sheets, blueprints, templates, video series, webinars, free strategy calls. The lead magnet for you will depend on your business, market, and offer. Takeaway point: Your business needs a lead magnet. Worth investing time, money, and energy in developing one. You can have multiple lead magnets for different markets, customer avatars, services. Consider what problem you could solve for your customer and create something of value.



Adam's recap


Mentioned in this episode: Listen to episode #2 - The Customer Avatar Listen to episode #3 - Free Customer Market Research


Contact Adam: [email protected]


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