Ever wondered why so many other businesses seem to get great results using practically any marketing tool or tip? It’s because failing or succeeding has little to do with gadgets and everything to do with a well-planned digital marketing strategy.


In this episode, Adam explains why it’s so important to have a strategy, the reasons why marketing fails to deliver results for many small business owners and entrepreneurs, and how to create the perfect digital marketing strategy to set your business up for success.


Episode Discussions: Jay Abraham and the Strategy of Preeminence Why so many marketing tools don’t result in good ROI (Return on Investment) Secrets to making your online marketing strategy effective Why marketing without a strategy is a gamble Where entrepreneurs and business owners struggle the most in their marketing The mindset that attracts more customers, revenue, and market share Tools and tips to clearly identify your target market (for free) How to connect with your ideal customer and make them feel valued Accomplish these two things before choosing your media option The key to getting better results from your marketing for less time, effort, and money



Mindset - How you approach your marketing and business Your goal is to aim to be the best in your market in at least one area. Become your customers most trusted advisor and go-to source for information. Results in more customers, revenue, and market share Aim to make your marketing valuable in and of itself. Those who don’t buy should still walk away with value from your marketing and a good feeling about you and your company.



Clearly identify your target market and ideal customer Paint a clear picture of your ideal target market. Listen to episode #2 for tips on creating your customer avatar. Better understanding your market makes them feel understood. Include detailed demographics, geographic details, and psychographic variables. Listen to episode #3 for tips on free customer market research.

 “The reality is, the better you describe exactly who you're trying to serve, the more effective all of your future marketing efforts will be."


Message Make your ideal customer feel heard, valued, and cared for. Marketing is less about you and more about how to connect with your customers. Uncover and solve their pressing pains and problems. Demonstrate how your business is best positioned to solve their problems.



Choose the right media option Shouldn't be done until after you've identified your market and clarified your message. Choose the 1-3 tools that will have the greatest impact. Will provide the greatest ROI and effectiveness. Listen to episode #6 for secrets to an effective online marketing strategy Focus on the channels your customers are most active on. Provides better results for less time, effort, and money



Episode takeaways & wrap-up


Taken action or advice from the podcast that earned great results? Email Adam your Modern Marketing success story: [email protected]


Mentioned in this episode: Episode #2 - The Customer Avatar Episode #3 – Free Customer Market Research Episode #6 – Secrets to an Effective Online Marketing Strategy


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