We’ve all spent a few minutes taking an online quiz. Maybe you wanted to assess your strengths as a business owner or couldn’t bear not knowing what piece of IKEA furniture you are. Entertaining or informative, people love quizzes. They’re interactive, personalized, and can reveal something about themselves — usually for the price of an email address. If you’re thinking quizzes sound like lead generating gold, you’re spot on.


Josh Haynam is cofounder of Interact Quiz Builder, a platform for creating interactive quizzes that grow businesses. To date, he’s helped 40,000 companies generate a combined total of 7 million leads using quizzes. In this episode, Josh answers important questions about utilizing quizzes in marketing and sets you up with a quiz structure you can use to connect with your audience and generate targeted leads for your business.


Episode Discussions: Josh’s biggest takeaway after working with 40K companies How to scale using quizzes The two main reasons quizzes work so well in marketing How consumer sophistication is forcing authentic marketing Josh's experience helping a global brand market to their 11-million-person email list Quizzes are a boring industry’s perfect marketing weapon How and why smaller brands are gaining the upper hand in the market The sales tip to increase close rates you’ve never heard of The perfect amount of quiz questions to ask How to formulate, segment, and promote a quiz that gets results How to use quizzes to get leads from Facebook for cheap Which type of quiz is most effective and how to customize the template to fit your business What part of the funnel to use a quiz Why quizzes are here to stay


Josh’s story: A serial entrepreneur Started 1st company at 15 and three more since Current company is a platform for creating quizzes Has helped 40,000 companies generate a combined total of 7 million leads using quizzes


Why quizzes work so well

They tell your audience something about themselves and let your audience express themselves. It's different from most marketing.



"People like to talk about themselves and people like to learn about themselves and applying that to marketing has been a monumental shift."


People are more aware than ever that much of what's on the internet can't be trusted. Now they trust brands less than consumers.



Adding an interactive piece to marketing is a way to bring yourself to an individual level, make a one on one connection, and be memorable.



One way to get people talking is by asking them questions about themselves. The same concept applies to quizzes.



A Time Magazine study found 40% of the words we say in our lives are about ourselves. We also experience a dopamine release.



"Nothing has come close to being as effective a sales tool as asking those questions and letting prospects speak. A quiz is a great way to do that. You ask a question, you let them answer."


Sales win tip:

Close rate is significantly higher when a prospect talks more than 50% of the time. They become more invested the more they talk.



Josh's experience helping a global brand effectively market to their 11-million-person email list.



How to structure a quiz with segmentation Start with the concept of the quiz Begin with your buyer personas (4-6) Title your quiz


Formulate your questions to get results Create 7 questions Filter people depending on how they answer Write a call to action for the email capture form at the end Connect it to your autoresponder or email list (integrates with most) Segment according to quiz results and assign appropriate sequence Connect it to quiz system Subscribers are sent to given sequence



Promote your quiz: Use software to create a website pop-up Use software to create announcement bar that goes along the top of your website Share it on social media directly or set up as a Facebook Ad



Do quizzes play nice with Facebook Ads?

Integrating quizzes with Facebook Ads can save you money on targeting.

Broaden out your audience and use the quiz to filter traffic and capture targeted leads.



Specific quiz titles that are delivering good results

'Which _____ are you?' or 'What type of _____ are you?'

Titles that promise to reveal something about that person are extremely effective.



"It's crazy to me because we created this platform but at the same time, it still works on us."


Where does a quiz fit into a funnel?

Top of funnel works best, especially in social media

Use further down to segment



Stats: Cost per lead comparison and conversion rates

Facebook Ads: Typically drops CPL by 50%

Opt-in rate: 50% conversion

Effective conversion rate is potentially higher



Josh's marketing prediction:

Quizzes will dive even further into the personalization aspect of marketing

More emphasis on making every person's experience with your brand completely unique.

"We want quizzes to be an incredibly easy entry point into that world of personalization."


Mentioned in this episode:


Twitter @JHaynam



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