Entrepreneur says: “When life hands you lemons, open a lemonade stand.” That’s what Hilary Jastram did after a rare neurological disorder forced her out of a job. Today, you’ll find her running two thriving businesses: one, a marketing agency and the other, the global resource for chronically ill and disabled entrepreneurs — both sprouting from her ability to recognize a need and fulfill it.


Hilary is clearly an expert on capitalizing, leveraging, and upleveling and in this episode, she explains how to spot and take advantage of trends, use Facebook Messenger to close more deals, and grow your business with the right connections.


Episode Discussions: Overcoming self-doubt to make business connections Tips on client interaction for creatives Self-publishing and the demand for freelance book editing Best practices: Sales and closing deals using Facebook Messenger The importance of testing your business idea Handling frantic and/or disappearing prospects and clients Respecting your time, setting boundaries, and being OK with saying no Responding with tact: what to say when prospects want free help Skyrocketing your business with likeability and trustworthiness Practicing authenticity in life and business Clients with a scarcity mindset and what to do about it How to speak your voice the right way The flaws in free 45-minute strategy calls Polarizing your audience to close sales



Hilary’s story Forced out of a job due to a rare neurological disorder.  Now runs two growing businesses: For-profit – J. Hill Marketing & Creative Services- copywriting, book editing, Non-profit - Sick Biz - The global resource for chronically ill and disabled entrepreneurs. Editor for Modern Marketing Podcast’s all-star guest Ryan Stewman



Overcoming self-doubt to make connections

"Take a minute, calm down, but always reach out. There's no way in the world my business would be where it is today if I had not done that."



Skyrocketing your business with likeability and trustworthiness.



Enabling opportunity and closing deals:

Put the value for your prospect first.

Be honored to be part of their journey.

Focus on helping your prospect with their message and mission.



Practicing authenticity in your life carries over into your business.



Recognizing and capitalizing on trends

Hilary noticed the increase in self-published books and used the topic of book editing to become an Entrepreneur contributor.


"Books have become the new business card."


Systematize your trend

Look at what's trending in the marketplace

Throw your opinion in the ring

Back up any assertion you make to reinforce authority and credibility



Polarizing your audience

Identifies your brand ambassadors and makes it easier to close sales.



Sales and Closing on Facebook Messenger Be prepared Block out 3 hours to create your digital portfolio (references, resources, recent samples) and have it on hand to show clients. Shortcut niceties and present the solution efficiently. Have your figures ready - Close more deals quickly by immediately quoting figures. Demonstrate your authenticity and expertise to your clients.


"When [prospects disappear], that's a reflection of where your client is on their journey and not you."




“Facebook messenger is like business casual email.” 



Being respectful of YOUR time Free 45-minute strategy calls: potentially unproductive and devaluing. Be OK with saying no: answer questions out of courtesy but establish personal boundaries. When they’re crossed, explain your rates and send your scheduling link to book a discussion. Gage whether they're ready to move forward and if they're operating from a scarcity mindset.



Preach to the converted Don't make it your mission to transform a scarcity mindset. That’s internal work for your client to do. Present your value. When or if they're ready, they'll come to you. If they don’t, keep on movin’.



Mentioned in this episode:



Interview with Ryan Stewman


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