This is part 2 of our interview with bestselling author, Trevor Crane. Listen first to part 1, episode #59 so you’ll have a complete and cohesive system to help you decide what to write about, how to write it, and how to use your book to market and grow your business.

  Episode Discussions Book publishing on Amazon - tools, tips, and money-saving secrets Dealing with trolls and one-star reviews Structuring your table of contents Tips on effectively titling your book 4 questions to help ensure you’re writing the right book and what leads to writing the wrong book How to profitably presell and market your book on Amazon Takeaways from Tim Ferriss and The 4-Hour Work Week Leveraging interviews into new clients and prospects Analyzing titles and subtitles and how they should correlate Tony Robbins, The Wizard of Oz, and Tesla What to do if you want to change the original topic of your book, even after you tell people what it's about Writing a description prelaunch and before you know all the details The serious problem of being ashamed of your published book Converting readers into customers and using your book as “bait” How to be confident about publishing your book A step-by-step process to getting a rockstar promotional partner A pep talk to get you motivated to start writing your book today



You can pre-sell your book on Amazon without a website as long as you have a cover and a description.



4 questions to ask your interviewee to make sure you write the right book: Who? - Who is the best person to read this book What? - What is this book going to be about? Is it properly titled? Why? - Why does your perfect reader care?

Two reasons: 1. This book solves problems 2. It delivers results.

When you talk to clients, look for language that triggers them.

What's next? - What do you want your readers to do next?



Before finishing your book: Talk to people Leverage those conversations into new clients, prospects, and promotional partners Ask the 7-magic word question at the end of the interview even if they're a leader in the industry…



Trevor's client, Lisa Chastain, made at least $60K while figuring out what her book was about.  Within 24 hours it was a #1 bestseller in 4 countries.



Preselling and free marketing via Amazon

How Trevor's wife published her book and made money:

Solidified a title and subject Created the cover (title and description) Listed book for preorder on Amazon (without starting it) Amazon will market for you internationally as a Hot New Release and email people who are searching for certain terms (problems, results). One reader booked consulting sessions, purchased programs, and referred more customers to her generating around $30K total.



If the right person reads your book, they'll want to work with you.



"Your book is bait."

Provide value to people by giving them your best content Have a path that leads them to your products and services



How to write the description — prelaunch:

It won't come from you. Ask people what they want and give it to them.

Post on your favorite social media channel and ask if anyone wants to join your book launch team. Test it and write it the best you can. “Can I send you chapter one and see what you think?” Develop the cover, title, and description based on feedback from you book launch team.



"My first review on my first book was a one-star review. It hurt my soul!"



"Most people write a book in silence without anyone knowing. If somebody says they don't like it, what ends up happening is they get ashamed of it."



How to be confident about publishing your book:

By implementing this research process, you know without doubt that people want your content. Your ideal audience has already told you they care, like it, want it and have preordered.



"I want my book to attract a certain type of person, my favorite client, and repel all the yahoos."



The wrong sequence leads to writing the wrong book.



Trevor’s ‘declaration’ challenge to Adam

Are you going to be an example for your audience, put your money where your mouth is, take advice and say you're publishing a book? I'm afraid I'm going to have to when you put me on the spot like that.



The last ‘7-magic word’ question to ask when you're interviewing a prospect or potential client for your book:

"Would you like some help with that?" -  If they do, book a time.


Follow up question: Who else do you know? (asking for referrals)


You're not trying to sell them. You're there to really honor them and discover what’s making them tick. They'll appreciate you and see that you care. This is a strategy that never goes away.



How to land the promotional partner you want Go to a networking event or conference to see incredible people speak. Bring your journal and take great notes. Wait until the end of the presentation when people line up to talk to speaker. To set yourself apart, honor them and say, "Thank you for that presentation. It was amazing. I learned some great stuff I want to implement. But I have a question/favor to ask. I'm writing a new book about ______ and you would be phenomenal. Can I potentially interview you for my book?"



Main takeaways Make a declaration that you're writing a book Read The Big Money Book


Bonus tip: record your interviews. They can be used in your book or given as bonuses for your book.



“Trying to do something is failure until you've achieved it.”



If you've ever had the dream, goal, vision of one day writing a book of your very own…

Today is likely the very best day to start. In fact, there's probably no better time than right now so make that declaration, get it out there in the world and share your thoughts, insights, wisdom, and stories. There's definitely people who would benefit from it and who would want to hear from you." – Adam Erhart


Mentioned in this Episode: Big Money With Your Book Without Selling a Single Copy Print copy - (just pay shipping) Free digital download version


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