Daveberta Podcast - Podcast Network - Edmonton -


Remains of 215 children found at former residential school site in Kamloops, BCCatholic church has not apologizedCanadian gov’t has dragged their feet on TRC and actively fought survivors in court. Continues to fight Indigenous people when it comes to drinking water, reparations for Res Schools/sixties scoop, land rights, climate change, and more…GENDER -Native Women's Association leaves national MMIWG action plan process, calling it 'toxic and dysfunctional'-- creates own plan: Our Calls, Our Actions
“There can be no more aspirational documents. There can be no more playing around the edges of this genocide. The next steps must be concrete, actionable, costed, and quickly put into effect. We know what those steps are because they have been spelled out for us by the families and provided to the commissioners of the National Inquiry. They are the 2 3 1 Calls for Justice”.Men who want to be involved in the fight:
 Texas Heartbeat“Gov. Greg Abbott signed into law Wednesday a measure that would prohibit in Texas abortions as early as six weeks — before some women know they are pregnant — and open the door for almost any private citizen to sue abortion providers and others. The signing of the bill opens a new frontier in the battle over abortion restrictions as first-of-its-kind legal provisions — intended to make the law harder to block — are poised to be tested in the courts”.Dadcore

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