So... what IS education for?

We put in so much effort on education as parents and as students, so what is our WHY?

Is it to ‘get kids into college’? To ‘get a good job’?

Those common narratives from the educational establishment are weak at best.

My guest today, Frank Forencich sees a real problem in that modern schooling lacks relevance. He sees the need for a narrative relevant to the future world students will inhabit. (climate change, ecological collapse, social ambiguity).

Today we’ll talk about the ‘"original human education" that was universal through most of human history.

We’ll explore the mismatch between our ancient human bodies, sculpted by evolution for success in wild, outdoor environments that now live in a radically different world, an alien, sometimes health-hostile environment. A

To address these and other challenges, Frank will go over the "sapience curriculum." This is a list of subjects that he believes students need to study for survival/adaptation in the coming years.

Frank is a writer, educator and movement teacher with a Paleo orientation. After studying human biology at Stanford, he traveled to Africa on several occasions to study human history and the ancestral environment.

Frank has taught martial art for many years and is the author of several books about health and the human predicament.

This is going to be a fascinating conversation, unlike any other we’ve had on this podcast.

What IS education for?

We put in so much effort on education as parents and as students, so what is our WHY?

Is it to ‘get kids into college’? To ‘get a good job’?

Those common narratives from the educational establishment are weak at best.

My guest today, Frank Forencich sees a real problem in that modern schooling lacks relevance. He sees the need for a narrative relevant to the future world students will inhabit. (climate change, ecological collapse, social ambiguity).

Today we’ll talk about the ‘"original human education" that was universal through most of human history.

We’ll explore the mismatch between our ancient human bodies, sculpted by evolution for success in wild, outdoor environments that now live in a radically different world, an alien, sometimes health-hostile environment. A

To address these and other challenges, Frank will go over the "sapience curriculum." This is a list of subjects that he believes students need to study for survival/adaptation in the coming years.

Frank is a writer, educator and movement teacher with a Paleo orientation. After studying human biology at Stanford, he traveled to Africa on several occasions to study human history and the ancestral environment.

Frank has taught martial art for many years and is the author of several books about health and the human predicament.

This is going to be a fascinating conversation, unlike any other we’ve had on this podcast.

Links Mentioned In Episode

>>> Check out the Exuberant Animal web site

>>> Connect with Frank on Facebook and Twitter
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