Online learning options for students are exploding, especially over the last couple of years. There is more choice now than ever for families to choose from, which is a great thing.

The problem is that word - online. We all need connection, and well, chatting through a Zoom screen just isn’t the same as face to face. And not everything can be done virtually either, like going outdoors.

Many students like my son David are drawn to traditional school because they offer that in-person experience.

Here-in lies an opportunity…

What if… we could take the best of online learning, and marry it with a physical location where kids learned together?

That’s exactly what my guest today is setting out to do.

Lizz Quain is with Galileo, an innovative online school with a self-directed education model. It’s the school my son Graham attends.

Lizz is leading an initiative to help students around the globe have the best of both online and in-person learning. She’s building a network of local dojos, or learning centres, and already has dozens of locations around the globe launching soon.

If you would love the best of both worlds for your child, listen in and discover more about Galileo and what they are doing to revolutionize education. This is the future.

You may decide you want to be a part of the solution, too, and start a dojo in your area. Let’s dive in.

Online learning options for students are exploding, especially over the last couple of years. There is more choice now than ever for families to choose  from, which is a great thing.
The problem is that word - online. We all need connection, and well, chatting through a Zoom screen just isn’t the same as face to face. And not everything can be done virtually either, like going outdoors.
Many students like my son David are drawn to traditional school because they offer that in-person experience.
Here-in lies an opportunity…
What if… we could take the best of online learning, and marry it with a physical location where kids learned together?
That’s exactly what my guest today is setting out to do.
Lizz Quain is with Galileo, an innovative online school with a self-directed education model. It’s the school my son Graham attends.
Lizz is leading an initiative to help students around the globe have the best of both online and in-person learning. She’s building a network of local dojos, or learning centres, and already has dozens of locations around the globe launching soon.
If you would love the best of both worlds for your child, listen in and discover more about Galileo and what they are doing to revolutionize education. This is the future.
You may decide you want to be a part of the solution, too, and start a dojo in your area. Let’s dive in.
Links Mentioned In Episode

>>> Learn about Galileo + Local Dojos

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