Simon Chan and Udembaozoh Uche review habit building and how important a daily routine is to consistency. Uche breaks down the different elements of his morning and evening routines, and shares how they contribute to his success.

DMO stands for Daily Method of Operation and is a checklist of what you need to do every day to build a successful MLM business online.

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Who is Udembaozoh Uche?

Udembaozoh Uche started his career in 2007 after his college degree education. In 2010, he got married to his sweetheart and at that point, it became clear to him that salary will not be enough for him to live his dream lifestyle.

After a couple of unsuccessful attempts at creating a network marketing business, he and his wife decided to try again in February 2018 after Uche lost his job. This time, they were very clear about what they wanted and were focused to make it work.  Along the line, Uche discovered MLMNation Insider and fell in love with the online duplication system taught by Simon Chan. In six months, they kick-started a growing team which they are passionate about and excited to work with.

Best Advice

Whatever is worth doing, is worth doing until you’re good at it. If you are going to be a network marketer, choose to be a professional. Choose to be focused. Choose to have clarity on what you want to do with your life, and go for it.

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Amber Marie Springer


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The post 502: DMO Heroes “How To Master The DMO to Create Online Duplication” by Udembaozoh Uche appeared first on MLM Nation.