Happy New Year!

Here’s a special episode on 3 Simple Rules to Create the Habit of Consistency so that You Reach Your 2019 Goals

In this Episode You’ll Learn:

Discover why:

The 3 A’s of Success: Attitude, Action, and Accountability
Action: Show up for yourself and work harder on yourself than you do at your job.
Action: You have to take action and get started.
Accountability: Needs to be frequent and daily.
3 Rules of Consistency:

Start small

Add one to each day

When it gets too big, split it in 2 and apply the same rules

Recommended Resources:

Daily Method of Operation Blog (D.M.O.)

What Did You Learn?
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The post 501: 3 Simple Rules to Create the Habit of Consistency so that You Reach Your 2019 Goals by Simon Chan appeared first on MLM Nation.